Differential geometry and mathematical physics : AMS-CMS Special Session on Geometric Methods in Mathematical Physics, August 15-19, 1993, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Differential geometry and mathematical physics : AMS-CMS Special Session on Geometric Methods in Mathematical Physics, August 15-19, 1993, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
(Contemporary mathematics, v. 170)
American Mathematical Society, c1994
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全67件
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Includes bibliographical references
This book contains the proceedings of the Special Session, Geometric Methods in Mathematical Physics, held at the joint AMS-CMS meeting in Vancouver in August 1993. The papers collected here contain a number of new results in differential geometry and its applications to physics. The major themes include black holes, singularities, censorship, the Einstein field equations, geodesics, index theory, submanifolds, CR-structures, and space-time symmetries. In addition, there are papers on Yang-Mills fields, geometric techniques in control theory, and equilibria. Containing new results by established researchers in the field, this book provides a look at developments in this exciting area of research.
Stability of geodesic incompleteness by J. K. Beem Numerical simulation of two-polarization Gowdy $T^3$ cosmology by B. K. Berger, D. Garfinkle, V. Moncrief, and C. Swift "No hair" theorems--Folklore, conjectures, results by P. T. Chrusciel Spacetime geometry of CR-structures by K. L. Duggal and A. Bejancu From the Riccati inequality to the Raychaudhuri equation by P. E. Ehrlich and S.-B. Kim Invariance properties of boundary sets of open embeddings of manifolds and their application to the abstract boundary by C. J. Fama and S. M. Scott Least area tori, black holes and topological censorship by G. J. Galloway The method of timelike 2-surfaces by S. G. Harris Conjugate points and higher Arnold-Maslov classes by A. D. Helfer Manifolds with a circle action and the Einstein constraint equations by J. Isenberg and V. Moncrief The internal geometry of black holes by W. Israel Einstein-Yang-Mills fields with spherical symmetry by H. P. Kunzle Quasi-periodic motions of planar liquid drops by D. Lewis Compatible metrics on fiber bundles by P. E. Parker Dynamic feedback for classical geometries by W. F. Shadwick and W. M. Sluis Ricci curvature inheriting symmetries of semi-Riemannian manifolds by R. Sharma and K. L. Duggal.
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