
Marketing beef in Japan

William A. Kerr ... [et al.]

(FPP Agricultural commodity economics, distribution, & marketing)

Food Products Press, c1994

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 8



Authors: William A. Kerr, Kurt K. Klein, Jill E. Hobbs, Masaru Kagatsume

Bibliography: p. 183-189

Includes index



The authors investigate the market for beef in Japan. Using simply explained economic concepts, they analyze each of the main determinants of the demand for beef in Japan to provide the reader with an in-depth understanding of this enigmatic market. Each chapter analyzes a specific aspect of the beef market--price, foreign competition, or the impact of culture and history--and the resulting effects. Marketing Beef in Japan is a succinct summary of the latest information and thought on this complex market, from authors who clearly convey their unique and diverse expertise.Everything from changing Japanese tastes and market trends to demographics and government regulations is discussed by the authors of Marketing Beef in Japan. It is a vital resource for firms that plan to export to Japan or wish to do so. Among the many topics explored are: insights into Japan?s complex multi-layered beef distribution system historical and cultural determinants of beef consumption the unique nature of the multiple niche beef markets available in Japan the effect of changing import regulations analysis of the potential of major beef exporting countries to supply the Japanese market technical requirements for placing perishable product into the Japanese market predictions for the future evolution of the Japanese beef marketWith all economic concepts and terms simply explained, Marketing Beef in Japan is an ideal guide for students and researchers in agricultural economics, agribusiness, marketing, and international trade. Agribusiness executives, consultants, and researchers with an interest in the Asia-Pacific market will find the book an informative reference for successful ventures into the Japanese beef market. While the book provides specific insights for this market, readers can also use it as a model for marketing case studies of consumption trends in any market.


ContentsPart I. Introduction Beef in Japan--The Market of Opportunity Part II. Factors That Shift Demand Beef and Japanese Tastes The Dynamics of Japanese Population Income and Beef Consumption Government Regulations for Livestock and Meat The Substitutes Part III. Beef Prices in Japan Farm Prices for Beef Animals The Competitors--Exporters of Beef to Japan Cost and Risks of Exporting to Japan Distribution and Marketing Costs in Japan Wholesale and Retail Prices Beef Consumed Away From Home Part IV. Prospects Forecasts of Market Growth Marketing to Evolving Niches Appendix: The Structure of Consumer Demand References Notes Index

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