Intelligent testing with the WISC-III


    • Kaufman, Alan S.


Intelligent testing with the WISC-III

Alan S. Kaufman

(Wiley series on personality processes)

Wiley, c1994

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 21



"A Wiley-Interscience publication."

Includes bibliographical references (p. 403-429) and indexes



The WISC is the most widely used children's IQ test in the world. This superlative text--replacing the author's earlier volume dealing with the WISC-R-- provides examiners with a sensible, systematic method of interpreting WISC-III test profiles. Outlines seven steps which allow examiners to organize these scores in meaningful ways. Enables them to understand a child's specific areas of strength and weakness and to translate these cognitive assets and deficits into appropriate suggestions for intervention. Includes 10 comprehensive case reports to effectively illustrate the procedure, plus numerous valuable tables not found in other publications.


Intelligent Testing Abilities Measured by the WISC-III Subtests and the Clinical Lore That Surrounds Them Seven Steps for Interpreting the WISC-III Profile: From IQs to Factor Indexes to Scaled Scores Interpreting Verbal-Nonverbal Discrepancies (V-P IQ and VC-PO Index) The ``Validity'' Factors: Freedom from Distractibility and Processing Speed Interpreting Subtest Profiles Comprehensive Clinical and Psychoeducational Case Studies

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