Selected works of Govind Ballabh Pant


Selected works of Govind Ballabh Pant

chief editor, B.R. Nanda

Oxford University Press, 1993-

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Selections. 1993

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Vol. 1. covers 1906 to 1924 -- vol. 2. covers 1924 to 1925 -- vol. 3. covers 1925 to 1926-- vol. 4. covers 1927 to 1928-- vol. 6. covers 1935 to 1936 -- vol. 7. covers 1936 to 1937 -- vol. 8. covers 1938 to 1939 -- vol. 9. covers 1939 to 1942 -- vol. 10. covers 1942 to 1946 -- vol. 11. covers 1946 to 1947 -- vol. 12. covers 1947 to 1949 -- vol. 13. covers 1949 to 1951 -- vol. 14. covers 1951-1953

Includes bibliographical references and indexes



v. 2 ISBN 9780195634631


This second volume takes us from 1924 to 1925. During this period G.B. Pant was Leader of the Congress Party in the U.P. Legislative Assembly, a position which enabled him to assess and appraise the policies of the U.P. Government in India, and present the Congress with proposals for further reform.

v. 3 ISBN 9780195634648


This third volume takes us from 1925 to 1926. During this period G.B. Pant was leader of the Congress Party in the U.P. Legislative Assembly, a position which enabled him to assess and appraise the policies of the U.P. Government and those of the Government of India, and present the Congress with proposals for further reform.

v. 4 ISBN 9780195636741


This volume covers the fifteen months from January 1927 to March 1928 during which Pant was leader of the Opposition in the U.P. Legislative Council.

v. 5 ISBN 9780195636758


The fifth volume of the Selected Works is concerned with the period from June 1928 to December 1934, one of the most eventful in the history of the national movement. Nationwide protests against the 'all-White' Simon Commission in 1928 was followed by a continuing series of momentous events that included the declaration of complete Independence by the Congress in 1929, the Salt Satyagraha, the Gandhi-Irwin Pact.

v. 6 ISBN 9780195639520


The sixth volume of the Selected Works covers Pant's writings, speeches, and debates between January 1935 and September 1936, mainly on economic and financial issues and on the questions, among others, of freedom of the Press, separation of Burma from India, and Indo-British trade.

v. 7 ISBN 9780195639537


This is the seventh volume in the series Selected Works of Govind Ballabh Pant. It covers Pant's writings, speeches, and debates betweenm September 1936 and December 1937. It is a particulary significant period Pant was sworn in as first premier of U.P., and had to establish a working relationship with the British governor and the bureaucracy, while at the same time give a new direction to social and economic policies of the provincial administration.


  • 1. IN THE CENTRAL LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY: The Indian companies (Amendment) Bill
  • 2. Speeches, 2 October 1936- 31 March 1937
  • 3. The Budget for 1937-38
  • 5. OFFICE ACCEPTANCE IN U.P: Negotiations with the Governor and Criticism of the ad interim
  • 6. Ministry: Formation of the Cabinet
  • 7. IN THE U.P LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY: Speeches, 31 July 1937- 3 August 1937
  • 8. The Budget for 1937-38
  • 9. Speeches, 7 September 1937- 2 October 1937
  • 10. IN THE U.P LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY: Questions and Answers
  • 11. IN THE U.P LEGISLAITVE COUNCIL: Speeches, 10 September 1937- 6 October 1937
  • 12. WORKING OF THE U.P MINISTRY: Release of Political Prisoners: Correspondence with the Governor
  • Speeches and Letters
  • Administrative Notes
  • 15. PERSONAL
  • 16. Appendix
  • Chronology
  • Genealogy
  • Index

v. 8 ISBN 9780195639544


This is the eighth volume in the series Selected Works of Govind Ballabh Pant. This volume opens in January 1938, when Pant had been in office for nearly six months as Premier of U.P. It contains his speeches and interventions in the U.P. legislative assembly and legislative council, and shows how despite the initial scepticism of British officials and radical Congressmen, the Congress ministry in U.P. headed by him was able to settle down and do constructive work both in the legislative and administrative spheres.

v. 9 ISBN 9780195641172


This volume deals with an eventful period in the history of the national movement, from January 1939 to August 1942. It covers the passage of the U.P. Tenancy Bill, the deadlock between the Indian National Congress and the British government after the outbreak of the Second World War, the resignation of the Congress ministry in U.P., the internal crisis in the Indian National Congress on the re-election of Subhash Chandra Bose as Congress President and the widening rift between the Congress and the government culminating in the "Quit India" resolution passed by the All India Congress Committee in August 1942.

v. 10 ISBN 9780195641189


This volume covers the period from August 1942 to March 1946. During this period Pant was imprisoned along with other memebrs of Congress Working Committee. With the 1946 general elections, the congress was back in office with Pant as the Chief Minister of U.P.

v. 11 ISBN 9780195644371


This volume covers the period when Pant as Chief Minister of UP had to cope with communal tension in the wake of the 'Direct Action' programme of the Muslim League, the influx of refugees from West Pakistan, the preservation of peace, and with toning up the administration to deal with new challenges.

v. 12 ISBN 9780195645781


This volume covers the period from August 1947 to March 1949. The partition of the subcontinent had taken place, and in its wake followed communal violence which Govind Ballabh Pant dealt with, with great tact and firmness. This was also the time when the constitution was being framed and Pant played a constructive role as a senior and experienced Congress Leader. This book is intended for students of political science and history, teachers and researchers in these disciplines.

v. 13 ISBN 9780195647297


This volume covers the period from April 1949 to August 1951 when Pant was Chief Minister of UP. It deals with the abolition of the zamindari system and land reforms brought in by Pant and his efforts at promoting industry, planning, science, and education.

v. 14 ISBN 9780195649611


This exceptional new volume covers the period from September 1951 to March 1953, exploring both the Zamindaru abolition law and the establishment of the five-year plan for agriculture.

v. 15 ISBN 9780195651201


This work covers the period between April 1953 and December 1954, when Pant laid down the office of Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh to join the Union cabinet headed by Jawaharlal Nehru. During this period Pant, having completed the enactment of the legislation on abolition of zamindari, took further measures of land reform and rural development. A draft of the Second Five-Year Plan was drawn up for the development of Uttar Pradesh.

v. 16 ISBN 9780195655094


This 16th volume opens in January 1955, when Govind Ballabh Pant moved from Lucknow to New Dehli and became the Minister for Home Affairs in the Nehru Cabinet. He was a pillar of strength to Nehru in dealing with the explosive situation which arose out of the reorganization of states on a linguistic basis. He also took keen interest in the preperation of the Second Five Year Plan and other matters of high policy.

v. 17 ISBN 9780195656374


Govind Ballabh Pant was in the front rank of nationalist leaders who played a key role, first in India's struggle for freedom and subsequently in the politics and administration of independent India. He was a member of the highest policy-making echelons of the Indian National Congress, Deputy Leader of the Congress party in the Central Legislative Assembly, Chief Minister of U.P. and Home Minister in the Union Cabinet headed by Jawaharlal Nehru. The seventeeth volume of the Selected Works of Govind Ballabh Pant covers nearly twenty-nine months of Pandit Pant's term as union Home Minister, from August 1956 to December 1958. During this period the work of reorganisation of States begun in 1955 was completed and the reorganised States and Union Territories were grouped into five zones to facilitate cooperation among them. Certain territories of Bihar were transferred to West Bengal not on linguistic but geographical consideration. A political solution to the Naga problem besetting the country - specially the State of Assam - for the previous two years was found. Legislation was enacted for slum clearance in Delhi and other Union Territories and the publication of books considered harmful to juveniles and adolescents was made a cognizable offence. Pant also took keen interest in the affairs of the Congress party. Presenting the party's statement on its economic programme before the A.I.C.C. in 1956, he laid emphasis on fulfilling the targets of the Second Five Year Plan in order to usher in the socialist pattern of society. While campaigning for the general elections in 1957, Pant emphasized the need for eradicating the evils of casteism and communalism which he said, were weakening not only the Congress but the whole country. The Selected Works of Govind Ballabh Pant is a series that will not only document and illuminate the career and personality of an eminent political leader but provide valuable source material for analysts and scholars of modern Indian politics and history.


  • 1. Reorganisation of States: Enactment, Follow-up Measures, Reactions in States
  • 2. Foreign and Domestic Policies
  • 3. General Elections
  • 4. The Democratic Process: Legislation, Performance of the Home Ministry, General
  • 5. Public Services
  • 6. Matters Relating to States: The Naga Problem, Kerala, Bombay, Assam, Other States
  • 7. Zonal Councils: The Northern Zone, The Eastern Zone, The Central Zone, The Southern Zone, The Western Zone
  • 8. Economic Problems
  • 9. Social Problems: Casteism and Communalism, Harijans and Backward Classes, Christians
  • 10. Education and Culture
  • 11. Law and Justice
  • 12. Former Rulers of States
  • 13. Kashmir
  • 14. Relations with Pakistan and Other Countries
  • 15. The Indian National Congress
  • 16. Tributes

v. 18 ISBN 9780195658552


Govind Ballabh Pant was in the front rank of nationalist leaders who played a key role, first in India's struggle for freedom and subsequently in the politics and administration of independent India. He was a member of the highest policy-making echelons of the Indian National Congress, Deputy Leader of the Congress party in the Central Legislative Assembly, Chief Minister of U.P. and Home Minister in the Union Cabinet headed by Jawaharla Nehru. The eighteeth volume of the Selected Works of Govind Ballabh Pant covers the last twenty-six months of Pandit Pant's Union Home Ministership, from January 1959 till his death on 7 March 1961. During this period he had to deal with several crises in the country. The Kerala ministry - the first-ever Communist ministry in India - was dismissed, the Bombay state was bifurcated into Maharashtra and Gujarat, and in Assam a consensus was reached on the issue of official language following large scale riots on this issue in the state. And at the Centre, by favouring the use of English as an official language even after 1965, Pant allayed the fears of non-Hindi-speaking people, and by dealing firmly with the strike of Central Government employees be averted disruption of administration, especially of railways and postal and telegraph services. As one of the senior leaders of the Congress, he had an important role in formulating the party's foreign policy schemes of establishing village panchayats and introducing joint cooperative farming. Some letters written on these and other subjects to Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and others, which chronologically pertain to earlier volumes, have been printed in this volume. The Selected Works of Govind Ballabh Pant is a series that will not only document and illuminate the career and personality of an eminent political leader but provide valuable source material for analysts and scholars of modern Indian politics and history.


  • 1. Basic Policies
  • 2. Agriculture, Industry, and Planning
  • 3. Problems of States and Union Territories: Kerala, Bombay, Assam, Other States, Union Territories
  • 4. Zonal Councils
  • 5. Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Anglo-Indians
  • 6. Public Services: General, Strike by Central Government Employees
  • 7. Education
  • 8. Official Language
  • 9. The U.P. Congress
  • 10. Miscellaneous
  • 11. World Affairs
  • 12. Personal

「Nielsen BookData」 より


  • ISBN
    • 0195631501
    • 0195634632
    • 0195634640
    • 0195636740
    • 0195636759
    • 0195639529
    • 0195639537
    • 0195639545
    • 0195641175
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    • 0195644379
    • 0195645782
    • 0195647297
    • 0195649613
    • 0195651200
    • 0195655095
    • 0195656377
    • 0195658558
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  • 出版地
    Delhi ; New York
  • ページ数/冊数
  • 大きさ
    24 cm
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