
Services marketing

Valarie A. Zeithaml, Mary Jo Bitner

(McGraw-Hill series in marketing)

McGraw Hill, 1996

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10



Includes bibliographical references and index



This title introduces a ground-breaking approach to the services marketing course. It replaces the 4Ps with the Gaps model of service quality. The Gaps service quality model makes explicit the difference between the marketing of goods and the marketing of services, as well as the differences between the way the principles of marketing course handles the marketing mix and the way the service marketing course does. Written by extremely well-respected people in services marketing, this book is the first integrated services marketing text in the field. It covers topics of critical importance for the 1990s, such as service quality, links between marketing and other disciplines (e.g. production and operations management and human resources management), and transforming a product firm into a service firm. The text ends with six comprehensive cases.


  • Part 1 Introduction: an introduction to services
  • key competitive trends and conceptual framework of the book. Part 2 Focus on the customer: consumer behaviour in services
  • customer expectations of service
  • customer perceptions of service. Part 3 Listening to customer requirements: understanding customer expectations through marketing research
  • building customer relationships through segmentation and retention strategies. Part 4 Aligning strategy, service, design and standards: customer-defined service standards
  • leadership and measurement systems for market-driven service performance
  • service design and positioning. Part 5 Delivering and performing service: employee roles in service delivery
  • delivering service through intermediaries
  • customers' roles in service delivery
  • managing demand and capacity
  • international service marketing. Part 6 Managing service promises: the role of advertising, personal selling and other communication
  • pricing of services
  • the physical evidence of service.

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