Constitutive relation in high/very high strain rates : IUTAM symposium, Noda,Japan, October 16-19, 1995
Constitutive relation in high/very high strain rates : IUTAM symposium, Noda,Japan, October 16-19, 1995
Springer-Verlag, c1996
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全8件
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At head of title: International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
The IUTAM Symposium on Constitutive Relation in High/Very High Strain Rates (CRHVHSR) was held October 16 - 19, 1995, at Seminar House, Science University of Tokyo, under the sponsorship of IUTAM, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, The Commemorative Association for the Japan World Exposition (1970), Inoue Foundation for Science, The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, and Science University of Tokyo. The proposal to hold the symposium was accepted by the General Assembly of IUT AM held in Haifa, Israel, in August 1992, and the scientists mentioned below were appointed by the Bureau of IUTAM to serve as members of the Scientific Committee. The main object of the symposium was to make a general survey of recent developments in the research of constitutive relations in high and very high strain rates and related problems in high velocity solid mechanics, and to explore further new ideas for dealing with unresolved problems of a fundamental nature as well as of practical importance. The subjects covered theoretical, experimental, and numerical fields in the above-mentioned problems in solids, covering metals, polymers, ceramics, and composites. Emphasis was given to the following fields: 1. Material characterization of solids in high velocity deformation, experimental techniques, typical data obtained by these techniques, modeling, and constitutive relations 2. Strain rate dependent elasto-visco-plastic stress waves 3. Crack initiation, propagation, and dynamic fracture toughness 4. Dynamic stress concentration 5. Structural dynamics in impact and constitutive relations of solids 6.
Mechanical Characterization of Solids in High Strain Rate Tension.- Constitutive Relation on the Strain Rate and Temperature Dependence of the Flow Stress of Uniaxially Deformed Steels.- Testing viscous soft materials at medium and high strain rates.- High strain rate constitutive relationships for semi-crystalline polymers using a combined numerical and experimental approach.- About a new experimental method of identification of the dynamic toughness of materials.- Strain Rate Sensitivity of Flow Stress at Very High Rates of Strain.- Plastic Shearing at Very High Strain Rates, A Review.- A Strain-Rate and Temperature Dependent Constitutive Model with Unified Sets of Parameters for Various Metallic Materials.- An energetic characterization of the constitutive equations for plastic strings on plastic foundations.- Loss of localization at high crack speeds.- Crack Growth Equations.- Dynamic Fracture Toughness and Crack Propagation in Brittle Material.- On the Behavior of Crack Surface Ligaments.- Velocity Dependent Dynamic Fracture Toughness of Araldite B Simultaneously Determined by Caustic and Photoelastic Methods.- Computer Simulation of Structural and Mechanical After-Effects of Shock Waves Induced by Impulse Laser in Solids.- Nonlinear Viscoelastic Constitutive Relations and Nonlinear Viscoelastic Wave Propagation for Polymers at High Strain Rates.- Dynamic Measurement of Elastic Moduli for Composite Materials Using Disk Specimens.- Dynamic Yield Loci of A Porous Visco-plastic Material by Using A lower Bound Approach.- On the Inelastic Failure Criterion for Structures Subjected to Large Dynamic Loads.- Projectile Impact on Rotating Plates.- Numerical Study for Spall Fracture Conditions.- Dynamic Fracture and Damage of Rock During Impact.- Morphological Aspects During Dynamic Crack Propagation.- Damage of Glass Subjected to Ultra-Short Pulsed Laser Shock Wave.- Dynamic Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of CFRP Composite Laminates.- The Problems of High Rate Loading: The New Criterion of Fracture, The Erosion, The Asymmetric Impact Loading.- A Study of Fracture Behaviours in Ceramic Plates by Impact Load and Its Application to a Development of Hole-Punching Technique.
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