
Jack Sheppard . The Corsican brothers . Our American cousin . Trilby

J.B. Buckstone . Dion Boucicault . Tom Taylor . Paul Potter ; edited with an introduction by George Taylor ; general editor, Michael Cordner ; associate general editors, Peter Holland, Martin Wiggins

(The world's classics)(Oxford paperbacks)

Oxford University Press, 1996


Trilby and other plays

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 7



Includes bibliographical references (p. xxix-xxxi)



Trilby and Other Plays is a new selection of English plays that had wide success on both sides of the Atlantic. Each achieved its greatest fame through the talents of a particular star performer. In Buckstone's Jack Sheppard , a spectacular and popular adaptation of Ainsworth's much dramatized novel, the rascal hero was played by the comedienne Mary Keeley. Dion Boucicault's The Corsican Brothers starred Charles Kean as telepathic twins and featured the famous stage-effect of the Corsican-trap. Tom Taylor's Our American Cousin became a star vehicle by default when E. A. Sothern improvised the role of Lord Dundreary to such effect that his performance became the rage on both the British and American stage. That President Lincoln was assassinated watching the play adds an extra macabre dimension to its interest. Finally, Paul Potter's dramatization of the novel Trilby achieved cult status after Herbert Beerbohm Tree built up the sinister Svengali into a mythical force of artistic creativity and evil genius. This book is intended for students from undergraduate level up studying drama, Victorian literature, theatre studies, cultural studies. Also actors and directors.


Acknowledgements. Introduction. Note on the Texts. Select Bibliography. Theatrical Chronology. J. B. Buckstone: Jack Sheppard. Dion Boucicault: The Corsican Brothers. Tom Taylor: Our American Cousin. Paul Potter: Trilby. Explanatory Notes. Appendix: Music for `The Ghost Melody' and `Ben Bolt'

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  • ISBN
    • 019282984X
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    Oxford ; New York
  • ページ数/冊数
    xxxii, 311 p.
  • 大きさ
    20 cm
  • 分類
  • 件名
  • 親書誌ID