The distant isle : studies and translations of Japanese literature in honor of Robert H. Brower


The distant isle : studies and translations of Japanese literature in honor of Robert H. Brower

edited by Thomas Hare, Robert Borgen, and Sharalyn Orbaugh

(Michigan monograph series in Japanese studies, 15)

Center for Japanese Studies, University of Michigan, 1996

大学図書館所蔵 17件 / 17




Includes a selected bibliography of Robert H. Brower

Includes bibliographical references and index



In The Distant Isle, fifteen former students honor their mentor, the late Robert H. Brower, with this memorial collection of essays and translations focusing on Japanese literature. Roughly two-thirds of the papers collected here are concerned with the languages and literatures of ""premodern"" Japan. The other third concern ""modern"" Japanese language and literature. Although Professor Brower rarely published outside the field of his own expertise in waka poetry, he inspired his students to a diversity of interests and critical approaches, as these articles demonstrate.

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