Disarmament : 1996 Disarmament at a critical Juncture : Panel discussions organized by the NGO committee on disarmament
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Disarmament : 1996 Disarmament at a critical Juncture : Panel discussions organized by the NGO committee on disarmament
United Nations, 1997
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Research Institute for Economics & Business Administration (RIEB) Library , Kobe University図書
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"United Nations publication sales no. E.97.IX.2"--T.p. verso
At head of title: United Nations Department for Disarmament Affairs
"Edited transcript of the presenatations made by Joseph Rotblat, winner of the 1995 Nobel Peace Prize, and by Minoru Ohmuta and Hidehiko Yoko-o, speaking for the Mayors of hirosima and Nagasaki, at the United Nations on 25 April 1996 : Excerpts from the panel discussion on South Asia at a Critical Turning Point, held on 24 September 1996 : Extensive excerpts fronm the panel discussions held 22-24 October 1996 during Disarmament Week at the United Nations"