The world trading system : law and policy of international economic relations


The world trading system : law and policy of international economic relations

John H. Jackson

MIT Press, c1997

2nd ed

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 64



Bibliographical references: p. [353]-428

Includes index



ISBN 9780262100618


Explains the intricacies of the world trading system, including the GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade). This second edition of the text identifies features and precedents of the GATT, analyzes connections between the GATT and US constitutional and trade laws and evaluates its future.


  • Part 1 The policies and realities of international economic regulation: law, politics and the dismal science
  • the policy assumptions of the international economic systems
  • competing policy goals and noneconomic objectives
  • international law and international economic relations - an introduction
  • the tangled web - is there a warp and a woof?. Part 2 The international institutions of trade - the WTO and the GATT: the Bretton Woods system and its context
  • the flawed constitutional beginnings of GATT
  • the World Trade Organization and the Uruguay Round
  • the obligations of GATT and their legal setting
  • the GATT and WTO as institutions
  • GATT, the Trade Negotiation Rounds and the WTO. Part 3 National institutions: introduction
  • the United States constitution and its effects on trade relations
  • United States law and international trade
  • the variety of national constitutions and their impact on the international trading system. Part 4 Rule implementation and dispute resolution: the effectiveness of international law
  • GATT as prologue to dispute-settlement procedures
  • legal process and trade disputes in GATT and the WTO
  • the WTO dispute-settlement process
  • national procedures for citizen initiation of international economic disputes
  • looking at the future of dispute settlement and rule application in the WTO. Part 5 Tariff and nontariff barriers: import restrictions and GATT/WTO obligations
  • GATT bindings and tariff negotiations
  • classification for tariff purposes
  • valuation for customs purposes
  • quantitative restrictions and other nontariff measures. Part 6 The most-favoured-nation policy: most-favoured-nation obligation and its politics
  • the meaning of MFN
  • exceptions to MFN and potential for bilateralism
  • rules of product origin
  • MFN, bilateralism and possible trends - some conclusions. Part 7 Safeguards and adjustment policies: the policies and history of the escape clause and the international structure for safeguards
  • the escape clause in GATT/WTO and the United States
  • the escape clause - legal prerequisites and practice
  • the escape clause - remedies and procedures
  • the escape-clause MFN question
  • law and practice regarding adjustment
  • export restraints, agreements and arrangements
  • reforms and the Uruguay Round safeguards text. Part 8 National treatment obligations and nontariff barriers: the policies and history of the national treatment obligation
  • the contours and application of the GATT obligation
  • defacto or implicit discrimination
  • border tax adjustments
  • technical standards
  • government procurement. Part 9 Competing policies and ingenious devices: protecting the value of tariff concessions and competing policies
  • national security
  • the general exceptions and legislation for health and welfare
  • pollution and regulation of the manufacturing process
  • restrictive business practices
  • balance-of-payments exceptions and currency obligations
  • other policies for future consideration - investment and labour standards. Part 10 Unfair trade and the rules

: pbk ISBN 9780262600279


Since the first edition of The World Trading System was published in 1989, the Uruguay Round of trade negotiations has been completed, and most governments have ratified and are in the process of implementing the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). In the Uruguay Round, more than 120 nations negotiated for over eight years, to produce a document of some 26,000 pages. This new edition of The World Trading System takes account of these and other developments. Like the first edition, however, its treatment of topical issues is grounded in the fundamental legal, constitutional, institutional, and political realities that mold trade policy. Thus the book continues to serve as an introduction to the study of trade law and policy. Two basic premises of The World Trading System are that economic concerns are central to foreign affairs, and that national economies are growing more interdependent. The author presents the economic principles of international trade policy and then examines how they operate under real- world constraints. In particular, he examines the extremely elaborate system of rules that governs international economic relations. Until now, the bulk of international trade policy has addressed trade in goods; issues inadequately addressed by policy include trade in services, intellectual property rights, certain investment measures, and agriculture. The author highlights the tension between legal rules, designed to create predictability and stability, and the governments need to make exceptions to solve short-term problems. He also looks at weaknesses of international trade policy, especially as it applies to developing countries and economies in transition. He concludes with a look at issues that will shape international trade policy well into the twenty-first century.


  • Part 1 The policies and realities of international economic regulation: law, politics and the dismal science
  • the policy assumptions of the international economic systems
  • competing policy goals and noneconomic objectives
  • international law and international economic relations - an introduction
  • the tangled web - is there a warp and a woof?. Part 2 The international institutions of trade - the WTO and the GATT: the Bretton Woods system and its context
  • the flawed constitutional beginnings of GATT
  • the World Trade Organization and the Uruguay Round
  • the obligations of GATT and their legal setting
  • the GATT and WTO as institutions
  • GATT, the Trade Negotiation Rounds and the WTO. Part 3 National institutions: introduction
  • the United States constitution and its effects on trade relations
  • United States law and international trade
  • the variety of national constitutions and their impact on the international trading system. Part 4 Rule implementation and dispute resolution: the effectiveness of international law
  • GATT as prologue to dispute-settlement procedures
  • legal process and trade disputes in GATT and the WTO
  • the WTO dispute-settlement process
  • national procedures for citizen initiation of international economic disputes
  • looking at the future of dispute settlement and rule application in the WTO. Part 5 Tariff and nontariff barriers: import restrictions and GATT/WTO obligations
  • GATT bindings and tariff negotiations
  • classification for tariff purposes
  • valuation for customs purposes
  • quantitative restrictions and other nontariff measures. Part 6 The most-favoured-nation policy: most-favoured-nation obligation and its politics
  • the meaning of MFN
  • exceptions to MFN and potential for bilateralism
  • rules of product origin
  • MFN, bilateralism and possible trends - some conclusions. Part 7 Safeguards and adjustment policies: the policies and history of the escape clause and the international structure for safeguards
  • the escape clause in GATT/WTO and the United States
  • the escape clause - legal prerequisites and practice
  • the escape clause - remedies and procedures
  • the escape-clause MFN question
  • law and practice regarding adjustment
  • export restraints, agreements and arrangements
  • reforms and the Uruguay Round safeguards text. Part 8 National treatment obligations and nontariff barriers: the policies and history of the national treatment obligation
  • the contours and application of the GATT obligation
  • defacto or implicit discrimination
  • border tax adjustments
  • technical standards
  • government procurement. Part 9 Competing policies and ingenious devices: protecting the value of tariff concessions and competing policies
  • national security
  • the general exceptions and legislation for health and welfare
  • pollution and regulation of the manufacturing process
  • restrictive business practices
  • balance-of-payments exceptions and currency obligations
  • other policies for future consideration - investment and labour standards. Part 10 Unfair trade and the rules

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