The algorithmic beauty of sea shells


The algorithmic beauty of sea shells

Hans Meinhardt ; with contributions and images by Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz and Deborah R. Fowler

(The virtual laboratory)

Springer, 1998

2nd enlarged ed

  • : hardcover

大学図書館所蔵 21件 / 21




Includes bibliographical references (p. [227]-232) and index



The patterns on the shells of tropical sea snails are not only beautiful but tell the tale of biological development. The decorative patterns are records of their own genesis, which follow their own laws. Hans Meinhardt has analyzed the dynamical process that form these patterns and retraced them faithfully in computer simulations. His book reveals scientific knowledge and fascinating pictures. An accompanying diskette with the corresponding algorithms offers wide scope to those who wish to try their hand at simulating or varying the patterns.


  • Shell patterns as dynamic systems
  • pattern formation
  • oscillation and travelling waves
  • superposition of stable and periodic patterns
  • meshwork of oblique lines and staggered dots
  • branch initiation by global control
  • the big problem - two or more time-dependent patterns
  • triangles
  • parallel lines with tongues
  • shell models in three dimensions
  • the computer program. Appendix: pattern formation in the development of higher level organisms.

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