Banking and finance in Russia : the financial credit institutions of Russia from the 1860's to the 1920's
Banking and finance in Russia : the financial credit institutions of Russia from the 1860's to the 1920's
advisor: Yurii A. Petrov, Institute of Russian history
IDC, [c1991]
[Microfiche ed.]
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全1件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Part 1: Pre-revolutionary Russia (1860-1917): 386 titles, 3652 microfiches
Part 2: Post-revolutionary Russia and the NEP period (1917-1930): 147 titles, 324 microfiches
Title from booklet
- Отчетъ Ярославско-Костромскаго земельнаго банка за 1874 годъ. второй отчетный годъ
IDC c1994 [Microfiche ed.] Banking and finance in Russia : the financial credit institutions of Russia from the 1860's to the 1920's / advisor: Yurii A. Petrov,
Institute of Russian history Pt. 1 . Pre-revolutionary Russia (1860-1917) ; REF-499 マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィッシュ)
- Уставъ Ярославско-Костромскаго земельнаго банка
IDC c1994 [Microfiche ed.] Banking and finance in Russia : the financial credit institutions of Russia from the 1860's to the 1920's / advisor: Yurii A. Petrov,
Institute of Russian history Pt. 1 . Pre-revolutionary Russia (1860-1917) ; REF-498 マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィッシュ)
- Отчетъ по операціямъ центральнаго банка русскаго поземельнаго кредита за 1875 годъ
IDC c1994 [Microfiche ed.] Banking and finance in Russia : the financial credit institutions of Russia from the 1860's to the 1920's / advisor: Yurii A. Petrov,
Institute of Russian history Pt. 1 . Pre-revolutionary Russia (1860-1917) ; REF-497 マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィッシュ)
- Заключенія коммисіи учрежденной при обществѣ содѣйствія русской промышленности и торговлѣ, для разсмотрѣнія вопроса о предполагаемомъ центральномъ банкѣ русскаго поземельнаго кредита
IDC c1994 [Microfiche ed.] Banking and finance in Russia : the financial credit institutions of Russia from the 1860's to the 1920's / advisor: Yurii A. Petrov,
Institute of Russian history Pt. 1 . Pre-revolutionary Russia (1860-1917) ; REF-496 マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィッシュ)
- Справочная книжка для заемщиковъ Тульскаго поземельнаго банка
IDC c1994 [Microfiche ed.] Banking and finance in Russia : the financial credit institutions of Russia from the 1860's to the 1920's / advisor: Yurii A. Petrov,
Institute of Russian history Pt. 1 . Pre-revolutionary Russia (1860-1917) ; REF-494 マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィッシュ)
- Уставъ С.-Петербургско-Тульскаго поземельнаго банка, высочайше утвержденный 8 апрѣля 1872 г. съ послѣдующими измѣнеіями по 1 декабря 1906 г. и приложеніем закона 1901 г
IDC c1994 [Microfiche ed.] Banking and finance in Russia : the financial credit institutions of Russia from the 1860's to the 1920's / advisor: Yurii A. Petrov,
Institute of Russian history Pt. 1 . Pre-revolutionary Russia (1860-1917) ; REF-493 マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィッシュ)
- Справочная книжка для желающихъ заложить свои недвижимыя имущества въ Нижегородско-Самарскомъ земельномъ банкѣ изданіе 4-е 1880 года
IDC c1994 [Microfiche ed.] Banking and finance in Russia : the financial credit institutions of Russia from the 1860's to the 1920's / advisor: Yurii A. Petrov,
Institute of Russian history Pt. 1 . Pre-revolutionary Russia (1860-1917) ; REF-492 マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィッシュ)
- Отчетъ Нижегородско-Самарскаго земельнаго банка за 1883 годъ с 1-го Января 1883 г. по 1-е Января 1884 г. одиннадцатый отчетный годъ
IDC c1994 [Microfiche ed.] Banking and finance in Russia : the financial credit institutions of Russia from the 1860's to the 1920's / advisor: Yurii A. Petrov,
Institute of Russian history Pt. 1 . Pre-revolutionary Russia (1860-1917) ; REF-491 マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィッシュ)
- Таблицы нормальных цѣнъ на земли Нижегородско-Самарскаго земельнаго банка, утвержденнаго 28 іюня 1872 года
IDC c1994 [Microfiche ed.] Banking and finance in Russia : the financial credit institutions of Russia from the 1860's to the 1920's / advisor: Yurii A. Petrov,
Institute of Russian history Pt. 1 . Pre-revolutionary Russia (1860-1917) ; REF-490 マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィッシュ)
- Уставъ Нижегородско-Самарскаго Земельнаго Банка
IDC c1994 [Microfiche ed.] Banking and finance in Russia : the financial credit institutions of Russia from the 1860's to the 1920's / advisor: Yurii A. Petrov,
Institute of Russian history Pt. 1 . Pre-revolutionary Russia (1860-1917) ; REF-489 マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィッシュ)
- Справочная книжка Московскаго земельнаго банка
IDC c1994 [Microfiche ed.] Banking and finance in Russia : the financial credit institutions of Russia from the 1860's to the 1920's / advisor: Yurii A. Petrov,
Institute of Russian history Pt. 1 . Pre-revolutionary Russia (1860-1917) ; REF-488 マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィッシュ)
- Дневник государственного секретаря А.А. Половцова в двух томах
IDC c1994 [Microfiche ed.] Banking and finance in Russia : the financial credit institutions of Russia from the 1860's to the 1920's / advisor: Yurii A. Petrov,
Institute of Russian history Pt. 1 . Pre-revolutionary Russia (1860-1917) ; REF-487 マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィッシュ)
- Павел Павлович Рябушкинский
Ю.А. Петров
IDC c1994 [Microfiche ed.] Banking and finance in Russia : the financial credit institutions of Russia from the 1860's to the 1920's / advisor: Yurii A. Petrov,
Institute of Russian history Pt. 1 . Pre-revolutionary Russia (1860-1917) ; REF-486 マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィッシュ)
- Торговое и промышленное дѣло Рябушкинскихъ
IDC c1994 [Microfiche ed.] Banking and finance in Russia : the financial credit institutions of Russia from the 1860's to the 1920's / advisor: Yurii A. Petrov,
Institute of Russian history Pt. 1 . Pre-revolutionary Russia (1860-1917) ; REF-485 マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィッシュ)
- Рѣчь П. П.Рябушкинскаго, произнесенная на открытіи Съѣзда
IDC c1994 [Microfiche ed.] Banking and finance in Russia : the financial credit institutions of Russia from the 1860's to the 1920's / advisor: Yurii A. Petrov,
Institute of Russian history Pt. 1 . Pre-revolutionary Russia (1860-1917) ; REF-484 マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィッシュ)
- Заключеніе комиссіи по ревизіи отчета Банкирскаго Дома Братьевъ Рябушкинскихъ за 1904 годъ
IDC c1994 [Microfiche ed.] Banking and finance in Russia : the financial credit institutions of Russia from the 1860's to the 1920's / advisor: Yurii A. Petrov,
Institute of Russian history Pt. 1 . Pre-revolutionary Russia (1860-1917) ; REF-483 マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィッシュ)
- М. Х. Рейтернъ : біографическіе очеркъ
составленъ А.Н. Куломзинымъ и В.Г. Рейтернъ-Бар. Нолькенъ
IDC c1994 [Microfiche ed.] Banking and finance in Russia : the financial credit institutions of Russia from the 1860's to the 1920's / advisor: Yurii A. Petrov,
Institute of Russian history Pt. 1 . Pre-revolutionary Russia (1860-1917) ; REF-482 マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィッシュ)
- Воспоминанія объ Евгеніи Ивановичѣ Ламанскомъ въ связи съ дѣятельностью государственнаго банка
Юргенсъ, Ф.А.
IDC c1994 [Microfiche ed.] Banking and finance in Russia : the financial credit institutions of Russia from the 1860's to the 1920's / advisor: Yurii A. Petrov,
Institute of Russian history Pt. 1 . Pre-revolutionary Russia (1860-1917) ; REF-481 マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィッシュ)
- Изъ моего прошлаго : воспоминанія 1903-1919 г.г.
В.Н. Коковцовъ
IDC c1994 [Microfiche ed.] Banking and finance in Russia : the financial credit institutions of Russia from the 1860's to the 1920's / advisor: Yurii A. Petrov,
Institute of Russian history Pt. 1 . Pre-revolutionary Russia (1860-1917) ; REF-480 マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィッシュ)
- С. Ю. Витте : бипломат
А.В. Игнатьев
IDC c1994 [Microfiche ed.] Banking and finance in Russia : the financial credit institutions of Russia from the 1860's to the 1920's / advisor: Yurii A. Petrov,
Institute of Russian history Pt. 1 . Pre-revolutionary Russia (1860-1917) ; REF-479 マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィッシュ)