Investigation of concentration of economic power : monograph
Investigation of concentration of economic power : monograph
Temporary National Economic Committee
W.S. Hein, 1968
- タイトル別名
Concentration of economic power
Temporary National Economic Committee monograph
Reprint. Originally published: Washington : U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1940-
関連文献: 18件中 1-18を表示
- Taxation, recovery, and defense . Competition and monopoly in American industry
[H. Dewey Anderson] . [Clair Wilcox]
W.S. Hein 1968 Investigation of concentration of economic power : monograph / Temporary National Economic Committee no. 20-21
- Taxation of corporate enterprise . Industrial concentration and tariffs
[Clifford J. Hynning] . [Clifford L. James]
W.S. Hein 1968 Investigation of concentration of economic power : monograph / Temporary National Economic Committee no. 9-10
- Regulation of economic activities in foreign countries . Price discrimination in steel . The basing point problem . The motion picture industry : a pattern of control
[Louis Domeratsky ... et al.] . [John M. Blair and Arthur Reeside] . [by the Federal Trade Commission] . [Daniel Bertrand, W. Duane Evans, E.L. Blanchard]
W.S. Hein 1968 Investigation of concentration of economic power : monograph / Temporary National Economic Committee no. 40-43
- Control of the petroleum industry by major oil companies . Review and criticism on behalf of Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey) and Sun Oil Co. of monograph no. 39 with rejoinder by monograph author
[Roy C. Cook] .
W.S. Hein 1968 Investigation of concentration of economic power : monograph / Temporary National Economic Committee no. 39-39A
- Reports of the Federal Trade Commission on natural gas and natural gas pipe lines in U.S.A., agricultural implement and machinery inquiry, motor vehicle industry inquiry . Saving, investment, and national income . A study of the construction and enforcement of the Federal antitrust laws
. [by Oscar L. Altman] . [by Milton Handler]
W.S. Hein 1968 Investigation of concentration of economic power : monograph / Temporary National Economic Committee no. 36-38
- Geographical differentials in prices of building materials . Control of unfair competitive practices through trade practice conference procedure of the Federal Trade Commission . Large-scale organization in the food industries
[by Walter G. Keim] . . [A.C. Hoffman]
W.S. Hein 1968 Investigation of concentration of economic power : monograph / Temporary National Economic Committee no. 33-35
- Survey of shareholdings in 1,710 corporations with securities listed on a national securities exchange . Patents and free enterprise . Economic standards of government price control
[by Helene Granby] . [by Walton Hamilton, with the assistance of Elmer E. Batzell, Boris I. Bittker, Henry Kohn, Jr.] . [Donald H. Wallace ... et al.]
W.S. Hein 1968 Investigation of concentration of economic power : monograph / Temporary National Economic Committee no. 30-32
- The distribution of ownership in the 200 largest nonfinancial corporations
[Raymond W. Goldsmith ... et al.]
W.S. Hein 1968 Investigation of concentration of economic power : monograph / Temporary National Economic Committee no. 29
pt. 1 , pt. 2
- Study of legal reserve life insurance companies . Statement on life insurance
[submitted by the Insurance Section of the Securities and Exchange Commission] .
W.S. Hein 1968 Investigation of concentration of economic power : monograph / Temporary National Economic Committee no. 28-28A
- The structure of industry
[by Willard L. Thorp, Walter F. Crowder, and associates]
W.S. Hein 1968 Investigation of concentration of economic power : monograph / Temporary National Economic Committee no. 27
- Recovery plans . Economic power and political pressures
[Arthur Dahlberg ... et al.] . [Donald C. Blaisdell ; assisted by Jane Greverus]
W.S. Hein 1968 Investigation of concentration of economic power : monograph / Temporary National Economic Committee no. 25-26
- Technology in our economy . Agriculture and the national economy . Consumer standards
[Lewis L. Lorwin and John M. Blair] . [Albert L. Meyers] . [Samuel P. Kaidanovsky and Alice L. Edwards]
W.S. Hein 1968 Investigation of concentration of economic power : monograph / Temporary National Economic Committee no. 22-24
- Trade association survey . Government purchasing : an economic commentary
[C.A. Pearce] . [Morris A. Copeland, Dana M. Barbour, Clem C. Linnenberg, Jr.]
W.S. Hein 1968 Investigation of concentration of economic power : monograph / Temporary National Economic Committee no. 18-19
- Financial characteristics of American manufacturing corporations . Antitrust in action . Problems of small business
[by Charles L. Merwin, Jr.] . [Walton Hamilton and Irene Till] . [John H. Cover ... et al.]
W.S. Hein 1968 Investigation of concentration of economic power : monograph / Temporary National Economic Committee no. 15-17
- Bureaucracy and trusteeship in large corporations . Profits, productive activities, and new investment . Relative efficiency of large, medium-sized, and small business . Hourly earnings of employees in large and small enterprises
[Marshall E. Dimock and Howard K. Hyde] . [Martin Taitel] . [Federal Trade Commission] . [Jacob Perlman]
W.S. Hein 1968 Investigation of concentration of economic power : monograph / Temporary National Economic Committee no. 11-14
- Measurement of the social performance of business . Toward more housing
[by Theodore J. Kreps ; assisted by Kathryn Robertson Wright] . [Peter A. Stone and R. Harold Denton]
W.S. Hein 1968 Investigation of concentration of economic power : monograph / Temporary National Economic Committee no. 7-8
- Concentration and composition of individual incomes, 1918-1937 . Industrial wage rates, labor costs, and price policies . Export prices and export cartels (Webb-Pomerene associations)
[by Adolph J. Goldenthal] . [Douglass V. Brown ... et al. ; edited by Douglass V. Brown and Edwin M. Martin] . [Milton Gilbert and Paul D. Dickens, and members of the staff of the Federal Trade Commission]
W.S. Hein 1968 Investigation of concentration of economic power : monograph / Temporary National Economic Committee no. 4-6
- Price behavior and business policy . Families and their life insurance : a study of 2132 Massachusetts families and their life insurance policies . Who pays the taxes? (allocation of Federal, state, and local taxes to consumer income brackets)
[by Saul Nelson and Walter G. Keim ; assisted by Laura Mae Brown ... et al.] . [submitted by the Insurance Section of the Securities and Exchange Commission] . [Gerhard Colm and Helen Tarasov]
W.S. Hein 1968 Investigation of concentration of economic power : monograph / Temporary National Economic Committee no. 1-3