101 more interventions in family therapy
101 more interventions in family therapy
(Haworth marriage and the family)
Haworth Press, c1998
- hbk
- pbk. : alk. paper
大学図書館所蔵 7件 / 全7件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Includes bibliographical references and index
Inside 101 More Interventions in Family Therapy, you'll discover many revolutionary and flexible strategies for family counseling intervention that you can tailor, amend, and apply in your own practice. Designed to appeal to professionals of beginning, intermediate, or advanced level status, 101 More Interventions in Family Therapy caters to an even broader range of ethnic, racial, gender, and class contexts than did its well-received predecessor, 101 Interventions in Family Therapy. You'll also find that this volume encompasses a wider variety of family therapy orientations, including strategic, behavioral, family of origin, solution-focused, and narrative.In 101 More Interventions in Family Therapy, you'll have at your fingertips a collection of favorite, tried-and-true interventions compiled, revised, and delivered to you by the professionals who use them--the clinicians themselves. You'll gain valuable insight into:
effective and useful assessment strategies
therapy that addresses school and career problems
questions to use in solution-focused therapy
questions to use in narrative therapy
ideas for resolving intergenerational issues
Too often, the in-the-trenches accounts you need to help add variety and a high success rate to your own practice come to you piecemeal in journals or newsletters. But in 101 More Interventions in Family Therapy, you'll find 101 handy, easy-to-read, and fun ways to modify your own therapeutic styles for a truly diverse variety of clientele and settings right where you want them--in one volume, in one place. Even after a few chapters, you'll discover 101 reasons to be happy with the prospect of improving your practice. Specifically, some of the interesting tips and techniques you'll read about include:
applying theater techniques to family therapy
using an alarm clock and rubber band as props in clinical practice with children, couples, and families
utilizing the "play baby" intervention to coach parents on ways to address their child(ren)'s concerns
adopting a "Columbo therapy" approach--one in which the therapist acts confused and asks questions out of a genuine curiosity about the client's experience--to take a one-down position with clients
creating a safe space in therapy and helping clients transfer it into their lives
using homework to increase the likelihood of producing desired therapeutic outcomes
About the Editors
Don't Just Do Something, Stand There
Mirroring Movement for Increasing Family Cooperation
Seeing the Obvious: Data Collection in Therapy
Of Clocks and Rubber Bands: On the Use of Props in Family Therapy
Know the Enemy's Strategies and You Will Know Your Own Power
The Race Is On! A Group Contingency Program to Reduce Sibling Aggression (Kristin E. Robinson)
Attitude as Intervention
Sculpting Stepfamily Structure
Taped Supervision as a Reflecting Team
Becoming the "Alien" Other
Playing Baby
Competing Voices: A Narrative Intervention
Start with Meditation
Emotional Restructuring: Re-Romancing the Marital Relationship
It's Bigger Than Both of Us
Joining with Jenga: An Intervention for Building Trust with Stepfamilies
Crisis Intervention with Families: A One-Down Position
Columbo Therapy As a One-Down Positioning with Families
Seeing Change When Clients Don't
Making the Genogram Solution Based
From Alienation to Collaboration: Three Techniques for Building Alliances with Adolescents in Family Therapy
What I Needed versus What I Got: Giving Clients Permission to Grieve
Starting with the Familiar: Working with "Difficult" Clients
A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words: Use of Family Photographs to Promote Parental Nurturance in Family Therapy with Adolescents
A Fairy-Tale Ending
The Wall of Defenses
Single Women and the Grief Circle
Slaying the Wild Things
The Nightmare Question: Problem Talk in Solution-Focused Brief Therapy with Alcoholics and Their Families
I Rewrite with a Little Help from My Friends
Time and Couples, Part I: The Decompression Chamber
Time and Couples, Part II: The Sixty-Second Pleasure Point
Debunking Addictive Religious Belief Systems in Marital Therapy
Ceremony to Memorialize Old Hurts
Strategic Journaling
A Solution-Focused Guessing Game for Children
The Problem Box Ritual: Helping Families Prepare for Remarriage
Using Batacca Sticks in Couple Therapy
Necessity's Way
Couples Group Psychotherapy with HIV-infected Gay Men
The Grid
Revisiting the Subject of Emotional Highs and Lows: Two Interventions
Changing Hats During Therapeutic Impasses
Reciprocal Double Binds, Amplification of Constructions of Reality, and Change in a Training Context
The Play Is the Thing: Using Self-Constructed Board Games in Family Therapy
Therapists Must Be EXPLISSIT
The Relapse Is Your Friend
Sculptural Metaphors to Create Discontinuity and Novelty in Family Therapy
A Therapeutic Remarriage Ritual
The Complaint Technique
"Time Out"--Calming the Chaos
An Empirically Driven Marital Therapy Intervention
Symbols in Relationships (Don G. Brown)
Use of Structural Family Therapy to Facilitate Adjustment Among Adolescent Leukemia Patients
"We versus It" (Jan Osborn)
"The Many Colors of Divorce"
On a Scale From One to Ten . . .
Genograms in a Multicultural Perspective
Using Art to Aid the Process of Externalization
The "What Are You Prepared to Do?" Question (David Pearson)
Race in Family Therapy: Unnoticeable or Relevant?
The Extramarital Affair: Honesty and Deconstructive Questioning
Three Excellent Agreements: Wynona and the Eighteen-Wheeler
Functions of Behavior in the Adolescent Family
Together and Apart: Daily Rituals in Divorced and Remarried Families
Trance and Transformation: Intervention with Verbally Combative Couples
Many Smalls Steps Instead of One Intervention
Metacommunication and Role Reversal as an Intervention
Sticks and Stones Can Break My Bones: The Verbally Abusive Child
Binuclear Family Therapy: Conflict Reduction Through Agreeing to Disagree
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