The image processing handbook


The image processing handbook

John C. Russ

CRC Press , Springer , IEEE Press, c1999

3rd ed

  • : gw
  • : us

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 46



"A CRC handbook published in cooperation with IEEE Press"

Includes bibliographical references (p. [747]-762) and index



: us ISBN 9780849325328


Image Processing Handbook covers methods for two different purposes: improving the visual appearance of images to a human viewer preparing images for measurement of the features and structures present The handbook presents an extensive collection of image processing tools, enabling the user of computer-based system to understand those methods provided in packaged software and to program additions needed for particular applications. Comparisons are presented of different algorithms that may be used for similar purposes, including a selection of representative pictures from light and electron microscopes as well as macroscopic, satellite, and astronomical images. Developments in graphic information, covering the array of concepts and techniques in high-end imaging software, are detailed. With balanced, complete descriptions, the text outlines frequency space methods with extensive mathematical presentation and spatial domain processing - requiring only a modest technical background in mathematics or computers. This handbook teaches by example: By seeing what various operations do to representative images, the reader will discover how and why to use them. Image Processing Handbook encourages the reader to use its information with a real source of images and a computer-based system as well as to freely experiment with different methods to determine the most appropriate for his or her particular needs. To facilitate the learning process, Reindeer Games in Charlotte, NC offers The Image Processing Tool Kit - a CD-ROM containing more than 150 images and more than 150 Photoshop (R)-compatible plug-ins that implement the algorithms discussed. This revision of the established standard acts as a singular resource for professionals in the medical, biological, and materials sciences as well as a range of engineering venues, including electrical and computer engineering, optical engineering, telecommunications, and artificial intelligence.


ACQUIRING IMAGES Human Reliance on Images for Information Using Video Cameras to Acquire Images Electronics and Bandwidth Limitations High Resolution Imaging Color Imaging Digital Cameras Color Spaces Color Displays Image Types Range Imaging Multiple Images Stereoscopy Imaging Requirements PRINTING AND STORAGE Printing Dots on Paper Color Printing Printing Hardware Film Recorders File Storage Optical Storage Media Magnetic Recording Databases for Images Browsing and Thumbnails Lossless Coding Color Palettes Lossy Compression Other Compression Methods Digital Movies CORRECTING IMAGING DEFECTS Noisy Images Neighborhood Averaging Neighborhood Ranking Other Neighborhood Noise Reduction Methods Maximum Entropy Contrast Expansion Nonuniform Illumination Fitting a Background Function Rank Leveling Color Shading Non-Planar Views Computer Graphics Geometrical Distortion Alignment Morphing IMAGE ENHANCEMENT Contrast Manipulation Histogram Equalization Laplacian Derivatives The Sobel and Kirsch Operators Rank Operations Texture Fractal Analysis Implementation Notes Image Math Subtracting Images Multiplication and Division Processing Images in Frequency Space Some Necessary Mathematical Preliminaries Measuring Images in the Frequency Domain Filtering Images Convolution and Correlation Conclusion SEGMENTATION AND THRESHOLDING Thresholding Multiband Images Two-Dimensional Thresholds Multiband Thresholding Thresholding from Texture Multiple Thresholding Criteria Textural Orientation Accuracy and Reproducibility Including Position Information Selective Histograms Boundary Lines Contours Image Representation Other Segmentation Methods The General Classification Problem PROCESSING BINARY IMAGES Boolean Operations Combining Boolean Operations Masks From Pixels to Features Boolean Logic with Features Selecting Features by Location Double Thresholding Erosion and Dilation Opening and Closing Isotropy Measurements Using Erosion and Dilation Extension to Grey-Scale Images The Coefficient and Depth Parameters Examples of Use The Custer Skeletonization Boundary Lines and Thickening Euclidean Distance Map Watershed Segmentation Ultimate Eroded Points Fractal Dimension Measurement Medial Axis Transform Cluster Analysis IMAGE MEASUREMENTS Brightness Measurements Determining Location Orientation Neighbor Relationships Alignment Counting Features Special Counting Procedures Feature Size Caliper Dimensions Perimeter Ellipse Fitting Describing Shape Fractal Dimension Harmonic Analysis Topology Feature Identification Three-Dimensional Measurements 3D IMAGE ACQUISITION Volume Imaging versus Sections Basics of Reconstruction Algebraic Reconstruction Methods Maximum Entropy Defects in Reconstructed Images Imaging Geometries Three-Dimensional Tomography High Resolution Tomography 3D IMAGE VISUALIZATION Sources of 3D Data Serial Sections Optical Sectioning Sequential Removal Stereo 3D Data Sets Slicing the Data Set Arbitrary Section Planes The Use of Color Volumetric Display Stereo Viewing Special Display Hardware Ray Tracing Reflection Surfaces Multiply Connected Surfaces Image Processing in 3D Measurements on 3D Images Conclusion SURFACE IMAGING Producing Surfaces Devices That Image Surfaces by Physical Contact Noncontacting Measurements Microscopy of Surfaces Surface Composition Imaging Processing of Range Images Processing of Composition Maps Data Presentation and Visualization Rendering and Visualization Analysis of Surface Data Profile Measurements The Birmingham Measurement Suite New Approaches - Topographic Analysis and Fractal Dimensions References Index

: gw ISBN 9783540647478


This handbook presents an extensive collection of image processing tools, in an attempt to help the user of computer-based systems understand those methods provided in packaged software, and program additions needed for particular applications. The author outlines frequency space methods with mathematical presentation and spatial domain processing. The CD-ROM contains images and Photoshop-compatible plug-ins that implement the algorithms discussed.


  • Acquiring images
  • printing and storage
  • correcting imaging defects
  • image enhancement
  • processing images in frequency space
  • segmentation and thresholding
  • processing binary images
  • image measurements
  • 3D image acquisition
  • 3D image visualization
  • surface imaging.

「Nielsen BookData」 より


  • ISBN
    • 3540647473
    • 0849325323
  • LCCN
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    Boca Raton, Fla.,Heidelberg,[New York]
  • ページ数/冊数
    771 p.
  • 大きさ
    26 cm
  • 分類
  • 件名