Newton 2.0 user interface guidelines
Newton 2.0 user interface guidelines
Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., c1996
- タイトル別名
Newton two point zero user interface guidelines
Newton user interface guidelines
At head of title: Apple Press
Includes index
Newton User Interface Guidelines is an essential book for anyonedeveloping products for Newton devices. It provides authoritative informationthat designers, engineers, and human interface professionals need to design andcreate software that fits the Newton model. This book illustrates many examplesof good and bad design, and explains why one is better than another.Read this book to learn: * how people interact with Newton devices * what all types of container views look like and how they behave * where to use buttons, close boxes, radio buttons, checkboxes, and othercontrols * when to use pickers and when to use handwriting recognition * how users send and receive application data through transports * how people use filing, finding, the Intelligent Assistant, and other systemservices that are available to every application At the back of the book is a list of common user-interface mistakes to avoid.Newton User Interface Guidelines describes the user interfaceconsiderations of Newton software rather than the programming mechanics.
If youare an engineer, you should also consult Newton Programmer's Guide forcomplete information on the technical implementation of your software and its interface.The information in this book applies to version 2.0 of the Newton operatingsystem. 0201488388B04062001
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