Twenty-four early German chorales for four-part trombone choir
Twenty-four early German chorales for four-part trombone choir
(Music for brass, no. 33)
R. King Music, c1956
2nd ed
大学図書館所蔵 1件 / 全1件
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Title from cover
"Published in score form only"--Cover
Historical notes in English
- Christmas. Vom Himmel hoch da komm'ich her = From heaven above to earth I come / Luther?
- Es ist das Heil uns kommen her = Salvation now is come to earth / Anonymous
- Wunderbarer König = God reveals his presence / Neander
- New Year. In dir ist Freude = In thee is gladness / Gastoldi
- Wenn ich, O Schöpfer, deine Machte = When I, O Lord, thy might behold / Sohren
- Thanksgiving. Nun danket alle Gott = Now thank we all our God / Crüger
- Liebster Immanuel, Herzog der Frommen = Hasten, Immanuel, Prince of the pious / Anonymous
- Jesus ist mein Aufenthalt = Jesus is my dwelling place / Anonymous
- Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier = Blessed Jesus, at thy word / Ahle
- Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott = A mighty fortress is our God / Luther
- Wenn mein Stundlein vorhanden ist = When death at last my spirit calls / Herman
- Straf mich nicht in deinem Zorn = Let me from thy wrath be free / Anonymous
- Was Gott thut, das ist wohlgethan = What God ordains alone is right / Pachelbel?
- Schmücke dich, O liebe Seele = O, my soul, prepare to meet him / Crüger
- Jesu, hilf siegen, du Fürste des Lebens = Jesus, help conquer, thou prince of the living / Anonymous
- Alle Menschen müssen sterben = Hark, a voice saith, all are mortal / Anonymous
- Gott des Himmels und der Erden = God of earth and God of heaven / Albert
- Christmas. Fröhlich soll mein Herze springen = All my heart this night rejoices / Ebeling
- Nun ruhen alle Wälder = Now all the woods are sleeping / Anonymous
- Passiontide. O Lamm Gottes unschuldig = O lamb of God unstained / Anonymous
- Passiontide. Herzlich thut mich verlangen = Lord, Hear my deepest longing / Hassler
- Passiontide. Herzliebster Jesu, was hast du verbrochen = O dearest Jesus, whom hath thou offended / Crüger
- Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten = If thou but suffer God to guide thee / Neumark
- Christmas. Es ist ein Ros' entsprungen = Lo, how a rose e'er blooming / Praetorius