The life of Henry Fielding : a critical biography


    • Paulson, Ronald


The life of Henry Fielding : a critical biography

Ronald Paulson

(Blackwell critical biographies)

Blackwell, 2000

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 27



Includes bibliographical references (p. [380]-388) and index



Each chapter in this intriguing book by one of the world's leading authorities on Henry Fielding begins with an annotated chronology of the known facts, followed by analyses of the important issues. Paulson's account must be essential reading to all admirers and serious students of Fielding and his work.


List of Illustrations. Preface. 1. Student, 1707-1730. Chronology. Early Life. Literary Apprenticeship. 2. Playwright, 1730-1737. Chronology. Author of Farce and Comedy. Libertine and Freethinker. 3. Hackney Writer and Barrister, 1737-1741. Chronology. Essayist. Experiments in Prose and Poetry. 4. Author of Joseph Andrews, 1741-1742. Chronology. Anti-Pamela: Character and Action. The Man in the Work. 5. Author of Tom Jones, 1742-1748. Chronology. Man of Letters. Attorney for the Defense. Patriot and Historian. 6. Magistrate, 1748-1754. Chronology. Reformer. Author of Amelia. Autobiography. In the Wake of Amelia. Retirement and Death. Notes. Bibliography. Index.

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