
Reappraising Republican China

edited by Frederic Wakeman, Jr. and Richard Louis Edmonds

(Studies on contemporary China)

Oxford University Press, 2000

大学図書館所蔵 20件 / 20




Includes bibliographical references and index



This book testifies to the accomplishments of Republican studies during the 1980s and early 1990s. Reviewing many aspects of contemporary research, it covers the transition from the late Qing dynasty to the Republic; agricultural development from the mid-1890s to 1937; the political aspects of twentieth century Chinese urban history; the problems of capacity building for Republican era governments; political party organization, finance, and military matters; Shanghai's modernization process; the politics of the Kuomintang during the Nanjing decade and its relationship with fascism; and Republican-era diplomacy.


  • The State of Studies on Republican China
  • State and Society in Early Republican Politics, 191218
  • Reflections on China's Late 19th and Early 20th-Century Economy
  • Civil Society and Urban Change in Republican China
  • The Evolution of Republican Government
  • The Military in the Republic
  • Shanghai Modernity: Commerce and Culture in a Republican City
  • A Revisionist View of the Nanjing Decade: Confucian Fascism
  • The Internationalization of China: Foreign Relations at Home and Abroad in the Republican Era

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