Municipal sewage sludge management : a reference text on processing, utilization, and disposal


Municipal sewage sludge management : a reference text on processing, utilization, and disposal

edited by Cecil Lue-Hing ... [et al.]

(Water quality management library / library editors, W.W. Eckenfelder, J.F. Malina, Jr., J.W. Patterson, v. 4)

Technomic Pub., c1998

2nd ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographical references and index



FROM THE PREFACE This textbook explains and discusses many of the unit operations used for processing municipal sewage sludge. It also contains valuable information on the available methods for final disposition of this sludge. This textbook can be used for planning, designing, and implementing municipal sewage sludge management projects.


Introduction Regulatory Issues: U.S. Policies, Laws and Regulations Impacting the Management of Municipal Sewage Sludge - The 40 CFR Part 503 Rulemaking Process - Pathogens and Vector Attraction Reduction Part 503 Regulation Chemical Constituents Present in Municipal Sewage Sludge: - Occurrence and Distribution of Pollutants in Sludge at POTWS - Pretreatment on Constituents Present in Sludge Microbiology of Sludge: - Microbial Content of Raw Sewage and Final Effluents - Microbial Content of Raw Sludges - Reduction of Microbial Content of Raw Sludge - Regrowth of Microorganisms in Disinfected and Pasteurized Sludges - Microbial Content of Soils - Microbial Content of Sludge Amended Soils - Microbial Movement to Groundwater and Surface Water from Sludge Amended Soils - Health Implications - Sampling Methodology and Protocols for the Estimation of Pathogens and Indicator Organisms in Sludge Sources and Control of Odor Emissions from Sludge Processing and Treatment: - Sources of Odor - Odor Control - Minimizing Sludge Related Odors - Measurement of Odors - Odor Control Systems Sludge Processing Technology: - Lime Stabilization Processes in Wastewater Sludge Processing and Disposal - Sludge Conditioning - Composting - Lagooning of Sludge - Agitation Drying of Sludge - Municipal Sewage Sludge Management at Dedicated Sites and Landfills: - Design and Operation - Utilization of Municipal Sewage Sludge as Daily and Final Cover for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills - Groundwater Transport Mathematical Models Incineration of Municipal Sewage Sludge: - Feasibility and Relative Cost of Retrofitting Incinerators for Regulatory Compliance - Beneficial Use of Ash Sludge Application to Dedicated Beneficial Use Sites: - Choosing, Designing, and Preparing Dedicated Sites Application of Municipal Sewage Sludge to Soil Reclamation Sites: - Detailed Site Investigation - Site Preparation - Monitoring Requirements - Sludge Handling and Application Method

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