The chaotic universe : proceedings of the second ICRA Network Workshop, Rome, Pescara, Italy 1-5 February 1999
Bibliographic Information
The chaotic universe : proceedings of the second ICRA Network Workshop, Rome, Pescara, Italy 1-5 February 1999
(Advanced series in astrophysics and cosmology, vol. 10)
World Scientific, c2000
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Description and Table of Contents
This unique volume is a collection of papers on various problems in astrophysics and cosmology — from planetary motion to the arrow of time — that are closely linked by the common spirit, technique and methodology of chaos.
Table of Contents
- Structure formation of scales of galaxy clusters and beyond, L.-Z. Fang
- internal dynamics of globular clusters, G. Meylan
- large scale structure of the universe current problems, J. Einasto
- arrows of time and the anisotropic properties of CMB, A.E. Allahverdyan and V.G. Gurzadyan
- relaxation of one-body distribution function and KS time in gravitating sheet systems, T. Tsuchiya and N. Gouda
- chaos in cosmological models with a scalar field, A. Yu Kamenshchik and I.M. Khalatnikov
- turbulent formation of interstellar structures and the connection between simulations and observation, E. Vazquez-Semadeni
- a scale-invariant property in the large scale structure formation, C. Sigismondi et al
- approximate symmetries, inhomogeneous spaces and gravitational entropy, R. Zalaletdinov. (Part contents)
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