Members of the regiment : Army officers' wives on the western frontier, 1865-1890


    • Nacy, Michele J.


Members of the regiment : Army officers' wives on the western frontier, 1865-1890

Michele J. Nacy

(Contributions in American history, no. 187)

Greenwood Press, 2000

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 11



Bibliography: p. [121]-125

Includes index



Many extraordinary women traveled west with their Army officer husbands between 1865 and 1890 and discovered a world that was completely controlled by the United States Army. The Army as a public institution colored virtually every aspect of their domestic lives. Army directives, customs, and traditions imposed social obligations on these women, and the world of the frontier Army garrison continually challenged their sense of what it meant to be true women. Remarkably, they flourished and established a defined role for themselves that went beyond the conventional definition of true womanhood. The shared values, loyalties, and patriotism within the institutional environment of the frontier garrison transcended gender. As distinctly masculine as the Army garrison was perceived to be, the officers' wives shared with their comrades in arms an unequivocal commitment to the Regiment. Because of their presence, the frontier garrison became a much different place to live, as they subtly and slowly changed the very nature of the institution through their efforts to bring some notion of proper society to these rugged circumstances. Unlike most studies, which focus only on farm and frontier women, this volume details the experiences of the women who viewed the world from within garrison walls.


Preface Introduction The Role of Women in the 19th Century Officers' Wives on the Frontier The Indians Army Rules, Regulations, and Traditions Enlisted Men, Blacks, and Mexicans Making a Home and Family Life Making the Marriage Work Conclusion Appendices Selected Bibliography Index

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