Arabic technical and scientific texts
published for the Cambridge Middle East Centre by Heffer
関連文献: 6件中 1-6を表示
- Kitāb buqrāṭ fi'l-akhlāt (Hippocrates: On humours); and, Kitāb al-ghidhā' li-Buqrāṭ (Hippocrates: On nutriment)
Edited and translated with introduction, notes and glossary by J. N. Mattock
Published for the Cambridge Middle East Centre by Heffer c1971 Arabic technical and scientific texts v. 6
- Kitāb buqrāṭ fiʹl-amrāḍ al-bilādiyya : Hippocrates: On endemic diseases (airs, waters and places)
edited and translated with introduction, notes and glossary by J. N. Mattock and M. C. Lyons
published for the Cambridge Middle East Centre by W. Heffer c1969 Arabic technical and scientific texts v. 5
- Kitāb buqrāṭ fī ḥabl ʿalā ḥabl : (Hippocrates: On Superfoetation) . Kitāb buqrāṭ al-maʿrūf bi-qāṭīṭrīūn ay ḥānūt al-ṭabīb : (Hippocrates In the Surgery)
edited and translated with introduction, notes and glossary by J.N. Mattock . edited and translated with introduction, notes and glossary by M.C. Lyons
Published for the Cambridge Middle East Centre by W. Heffer c1968 Arabic technical and scientific texts v. 3
- Kitāb buqrāṭ fī ṭabīʿat al-insān : (Hippocrates : On the nature of man)
edited and translated with introduction, notes and glossary by J. N. Mattock and M. C. Lyons
published for the Cambridge Middle East Centre by W. Heffer c1968 Arabic technical and scientific texts v. 4
- Kitāb tadbīr al-amrāḍ al-ḥādda li-buqrāṭ : (Hippocrates : Regimen in acute diseases)
edited and translated with introduction, notes and glossary by M.C. Lyons
Published for the Cambridge Middle East Centre by W. Heffer c1966 Arabic technical and scientific texts v. 1
- Maqāla tas̲h̲tamil ʿalā fuṣūl min kitāb al-ḥayawān li-Arisṭū : (tract comprising excerpts from Aristotle's Book of animals)
attributed to Mūsā b. ʿUbaid Allāh al-Qurṭubī al-Isrāʾīlī ; edited and translated with introduction, notes and glossary by J. N. Mattock
published for the Cambridge Middle East Centre by W. Heffer c1966 Arabic technical and scientific texts v. 2