The Mi'kmaq : resistance, accomodation, and cultural survival
The Mi'kmaq : resistance, accomodation, and cultural survival
(Case studies in cultural anthropology)
Harcourt Brace College Pub., c1996
大学図書館所蔵 3件 / 全3件
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 221-233) and index
Filmography: p. 237-238
Appropriate for courses in North American Indians, American ethnic studies, or introduction to anthropology, this text chronicles the endurance of the Mi'kmaq Indians as a tribal nation, their ordeals in the face of colonialism, and their current struggle for self-determination and cultural revitalisation. Features: * This text spans 500 years of the complex dynamics of Mik'kmaq culture. The Mi'kmaqs, who still inhabit northern Maine and Canada, were among the first Indians to encounter European colonists. * Direct quotations of Mi'kmaqs and outsiders enable the reader to appreciate different, and sometimes conflicting points of view. * The author has worked on a successful Mi'kmaq native rights case for ten years, helping one Mi'kmaq band gain federal recognition and a land claim settlement.
Introduction: Quest for Cultural Survival. Problems and Challenges: The Politics of History. Aboriginal Baseline: An Historical Ethnography. First Contact: Europe's Advent and Gluskap's Exit. Moving In: European Colonists in Mi'kmaq Country. Christianizing the Mi'kmaq: Black Robes and Bare Feet. Accommodation and Resistance: Mi'kmaq Life in the Colonial Period. Cultural Stress: Alcoholic Rage and Beaver Wars. Colonial Wars and Alliances. Colonial Wars: Losing the Armed Struggle for Independence. More Treaties and Broken Promises. Survival Under Internal Colonialism. Mi'kmaq Cultural Survival: A Tribal Nation in the Modern World.
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