Polycyclic aromatic compounds : the journal of International Society for Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds : 15th International Compounds : second biennial meeting of International Society for Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, Hotel Villa Carlotta, Belgirate (Novara), Italy, September 19-22, 1995
Bibliographic Information
Polycyclic aromatic compounds : the journal of International Society for Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds : 15th International Compounds : second biennial meeting of International Society for Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, Hotel Villa Carlotta, Belgirate (Novara), Italy, September 19-22, 1995
Gordon and Breach Science, c1996
- Pt. 1
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Pt. 1., "Volume 9, Numbers 1-4 (1996), PARCEO 9(1-4) 1-384(1996)" -- Pt. 2., "Volume 10, Numbers 1-4(1996), PARCEO 10(1-4) 1-358 (1996)" -- Pt. 3., "Volume 11, Numbers (1-4) (1996), PARCEO 11(1-4) 1-372 (1996)"
"Editor in chief, M. Zander : editors, G. Grimmer ... [et al.] ; editors, Walter Karcher, Philippe Garrigues, Jürgen Jacob"-- on cover