Encyclopedia of fundamentalism
Encyclopedia of fundamentalism
(Routledge encyclopedias of religion and society)
Routledge, 2001
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"Religion & Society, A Berkshire Reference Work"
Includes bibliographical references and index
This new encyclopedia follows a broad definition of fundamentalism and covers fundamentalism across time and place, although the emphasis remains on its primary manifestation: Protestant fundamentalism in the United States. Entries include: * angels * Armenianism * Aryan Nation * William Jennings Bryan * Campus Crusade for Christ * dispensationalism * Druze * evangelicalism * evil * Jerry Falwell * final judgment * Great Awakening * Hasidic Jews * intifada * Keswick movement * Ayatollah Khomeini * Dwight Moody * Scofield Reference Bible * televangelism * and many more.
- Abortion
- Adventism
- America, as a christian Nation
- Angels
- Angelous Temple
- Anti-Christ
- Antifeminism
- Anti-Modernism
- Anti-Semitism
- Apocalypse
- Apocalyptic Literature
- Armageddon
- Arminianism
- Aryan Nation
- Ascension
- Asia
- Assumption
- Atonement
- Azusa Street Revival
- Baconian science
- Baptism
- Baptist
- Bavarian, Illuminati
- Beast, the
- Bible
- Bible Conference
- Bible Schools
- Bible Study
- Biblical Criticism
- Biblical Inerrancy
- Black Church, the
- Blasphemy
- Body of Christ
- Born Again
- Calling
- Calvinism
- Campus Crusade
- Campus Crusade for Christ
- Catholic Fundamentalists
- Catholics United for the Faith
- Chiliasm
- Christ
- Christian Coalition
- Christian Home, Ideal
- Christian Research Institute
- Church
- Church of God
- Church of the Nazarene
- Churches of Christ
- Common Sense Philosophy
- Communism
- Conversion
- Covenant
- Creation
- Creationism
- Cult of Mary
- Decalogue
- Depravity
- Devil and Satan
- Dispensationalism
- Dominion Theology
- Doubt
- Ecumenical
- Elohim
- End Times
- Entertainment Industry
- Eschatology
- Eternal Life
- Evangelicalism
- Evil
- Evil Empire
- Evolution and Anti-Evolution
- Fall of humankind
- False Prophet
- Fascism
- Final Judgement
- Free Methodists
- Free Will
- Fundamentalism
- Fundamentals, The
- Gifts of the Spirit
- God and God's Will
- Gospel
- Gospel Music
- Grace
- Great Awakening
- Gush Emunim
- Haredim
- Healing, Faith
- Hell, Heaven and Purgatory
- Heresy
- Higher Criticism
- Hinduism, Fundamental
- Holiness, Wesleyan
- Holiness-Pentecostal Movement
- Holy
- Holy Spirit
- Illuminati, The
- Imam, The Last
- Immaculate Conception
- Incarnation
- Inspiration, Biblical
- Islamic Fundamentalism
- Israel
- Jehovah's Witnesses
- Jesus
- Jews
- Jews for Jesus
- Judaism, Fundamental
- Justice
- Justification
- Keswick Movement
- Kingdom of God
- Ku Klux Klan
- Last Things
- Law
- Liberalism
- Literalism
- Lord's Supper
- Love
- Mahdi
- Male headship
- Mark of the Beast
- Media, Mass
- Megachurches
- Messiah
- Midtribulation
- Militia
- Millerites
- Miracles
- Missions
- Moral Majority
- Mormons, Fundamentalist (Polygamous) Movement
- Mormons, Mainstream and Protestant Fundamentalism
- Mount of Olives
- Muslim Brotherhood
- Myth
- Nationalism
- Nativism
- New Age
- New Christian Right
- New Testament
- Noahide Covenant
- Old Testament
- Opus Dei
- Original Sin
- Orthodoxy
- Parousia
- Pastor's wife
- Pentecostals
- Perfectionism
- Postmillennialism
- Posttribulation
- Prayer
- Preaching
- Predestination
- Premillennialism
- Pretribulation
- Pride
- Primitivism
- Promise Keepers
- Prophecy
- Protestantism
- Radio
- Rapture
- Reconstructionism
- Reformed Theology
- Rescue Missions
- Resurrection (Christ)
- Resurrection (of the Dead)
- Revelation
- Revival
- Rock Music
- Sacrament
- Salvation
- Salvation Army
- Sanctification
- Saved, the
- Scofield Reference Bible
- Second Coming
- Secularism
- Sermon on the Mount
- Sheol
- Shi'a Islam
- Sin and Sinners
- Soul
- Speaking in Tongues (glossalalia)
- Submission
- Sunday Schools
- Televangelism
- Temple, The
- Testimony
- Theology
- Theonomy
- Tribe of Dan
- Tribulation
- Tridentine Mass
- Trinity
- UFOs
- United
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