(香港大學歴史學會慶祝金禧年刊 / 羅香林主編, 第2期)
香港大學歴史學會出版, 1961
- タイトル別名
University of Hong Kong History Society Annual
The rise of the "Dutch learning" during the second half of Tokugawa period
The "Self -strengthening movement" in China, 1860-1894
- タイトル読み
チュウゴク ヨ ナンカイ カンケイ ロンブンシュウ
zhong guo yu nan hai guan xi lun wen ji
大学図書館所蔵 10件 / 全10件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
"Golden jubilee issue"
- 婆羅洲與中國交通史實 / 羅香林著
- 論明史外國傳記張璉逃往三佛齊之訛 / 饒宗頤著
- 宋遺民流寓安南占城考 / 陳學橆著
- 明代安南復置郡縣及其棄守之始末 / 陳璋著
- 中國與扶南關係研究 / 趙令揚著
- Problems of higher learning in South-East Asia / B. Harrison
- An attempt to bring western knowledge to China / G. B. Endacott
- The transferability of institutions : some indications from the Early Far East / M. Blackmore
- Earlier cultural development in Hong-Kong, Kowloon and the New territories / Lo Hsiang-Lin
- The civil service examination system of the Ch'ing dynasty / Lai King-Pok
- Britain and France in India, 1740-1761 / Margaret Hsu
- The rise of the 'Dutch learning' during the second half of Tokugawa period / Woo Yung Wai
- The culture system in Java / Mary Chan
- Rural unrest in nineteenth century China / Lo Wan
- The 'Self -strengthening movement' in China, 1860-1894 / James So
- Russian policy in the Far East, 1895-1905 / Carole Chinn
- The forces behind the 1848 revolutions / Audrey Chau
- German responsibility for the First World War / Sherifa Khan
- The history of the department of history / B. Harrison