English madrigals
English madrigals
Toshiba EMI, [19--]
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大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全1件
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Sung in English
Japanese title on pamphlet: イギリス・マドリガル集
Lynne Dawson, Gillian Fischer, sopranos ; David James, counter-tenor ; Rogers Covey-Crump, John Potter, tenors ; Paul Hillier, bass ; Hilliard Ensemble ; Paul Hillier, conductor
Recorded : Oct. 1987
Compact disc
- O greefe even on the bud = 蕾にさえも悲しみは / Thomas Morley
- When loe by breake of morning = ほら, 夜が明けそめるころ / Thomas Morley
- Aprill is in my mistris face = 4月は愛しい人のおもざし / Thomas Morley
- Thule, the period of cosmographie = ツール, 宇宙(そら)果てる地 / Thomas Weelkes
- Sweet nimphe come to thy lover = やさしいニンフが君の恋人を / Thomas Morley
- Sweet hony sucking bees = 甘き蜜吸うハチたちよ / John Wilbye
- Miraculous love's wounding = 恋の傷とは不思議なもの / Thomas Morley
- Adew sweet amarillis = さらば愛しのアマリリス / John Wilbye
- Weepe o mine eyes = 涙せよ, わが瞳 / John Bennet
- The silber swanne = しろがねの白鳥 / Orlando Gibbons
- O care thou wilt dispatch mee = 憂いよ, おまえは私を滅ぼすだろう / Thomas Weelkes
- Since Roben Hood = ロビン・フッド / Thomas Weelkes
- Fyre and lightning = 炎と稲妻が / Thomas Morley
- Strike it up tabor = 太鼓を打ち鳴らせ / Thomas Weelkes
- See, see, the shepheards queene = 御覧, 御覧, 羊飼いの女王様を / Thomas Tomkins
- Come sable night = 来たれ, 暗く沈んだ夜よ / John Ward
- Sweet Suffolke owle = サフォークのかわいいフクロウ / Thomas Vautor
- In nets of golden wyers = 黄金で編んだこの網に / Thomas Morley
- Draw on sweet night = おいで, やさしい夜よ / John Wylbye