The agri-environmental policy of the European Union : the implementation of the agri-environmental measures within the common agricultural policy in France, Germany, and Portugal


The agri-environmental policy of the European Union : the implementation of the agri-environmental measures within the common agricultural policy in France, Germany, and Portugal

Karl Bruckmeier, Wiking Ehlert (eds.)

(Arbeit, Technik, Organisation, Soziales, Bd. 11)

Peter Lang, 2002

  • : us

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 9



Includes bibliographical references (p. 257-264)



Integrating environmental aims n the agricultural policy of the European Union was a main aim of the 1992 CAP-Reform. This book presents a study of the socio-economic framing conditions as well as the attitudes and orientations within the agricultural population towards the European agri-environmental policy. It is based on a research project in three member countries, France, Germany, and Portugal, where more than 600 farmers have been; interviewed. The results indicate that a change towards more ecologically sustainable forms of agricultural production requires much broader political and social support to grow beyond the dimensions of a marginal green subsector of agriculture. Contents: European Union--Reform of Common Agricultural Policy--Agricultural Develpment in Europe--Comparative Sociological Analysis of the Implementation of Agri-Environmental Measures in France, Germany, and Portugal.s

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