Britain since 1945


    • Hollowell, Jonathan


Britain since 1945

edited by Jonathan Hollowell

(Making contemporary Britain)

Blackwell Publishers, 2003

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 15



Includes bibliographical references and index



This book offers a comprehensive overview of Britain's development since the end of the Second World War. It comprises 23 contributions from leading authorities and newer scholars, set in context with a foreword by Raymond Seitz. A comprehensive and fascinating introduction to Britain from the end of the Second World War Draws together the themes that have dominated discussion amongst scholars and media commentators The chapters are set in context with a foreword by Raymond Seitz Covers topics such as foreigh policy, political parties, the media, race relations, women and social change, science and IT, culture, industrial relations, the welfare state, and political and economic issues in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland


Notes on Contributors. General Editor's Preface. (Anthony Seldon). Foreword. (The Hon. Raymond G. H. Seitz). Part I: Government and Politics. 1. Foreign and Defence Policy. (Christopher Coker). 2. The Constitution, Government and Parliament. (Simon James). 3. The Political Parties. (Alan Sked). 4. From Commonwealth to European Integration. (Jonathan Hollowell). 5. Scotland: Cultural Base and Economic Catalysts. (James Mitchell) 6. Wales since 1945. (Kenneth Morgan). 7. Northern Ireland since 1945. (Henry Patterson). 8. The Currents of Political Thought. (Roger Eatwell). 9. The Civil Service. (Keith Dowding). 10. Local Government. (Nirmala Rao). 11. The Media. (Michael Bromley). Part II: Society. 12. Social Trends, Structures, Values and Behaviour. (Arthur Marwick). 13. Women and Social Change 1945-1995. (Jane Lewis). 14. Cultural Change. (Jim McGuigan). 15. Education. (Anthony Heath). 16. Race Relations. (Shamit Saggar). 17. Health and Health Care. (Ray Fitzpatrick, Rebecca Surender and Tarani Chandola). 18. Science and Information Technology. (Jon Agar). 19. Pressure Groups. (Wyn Grant). Part III: Economy. 20. Economic Policy. (Stephen Broadberry). 21. Employment and the Labour Market. (Duncan Gallie). 22. Industrial and Labour Relations. (Chris Wrigley). 23. Welfare State since 1945. (Helen Fawcett). Index.

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