
Core Java 2

Cay S. Horstmann, Gary Cornell

(Java series)

Sun Microsystems Press , Prentice Hall, c2003

  • v. 1

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



v. 1: Fundamentals

Includes index

"A Prentice Hall title"

"J2SE versions 1.4"--Cover



Appropriate for intermediate to advanced courses in Java programming. Cay Horstmann has thoroughly updated his legendary Core Java to reflect Java 2, Standard Edition, Version 1.4. The book's new coverage includes these and many other significant enhancements: regular expressions; the high-performance New I/O API; chained exceptions, logging, and other techniques for building more reliable code; and the Preference Class, Java's new cross-platform repository for configuration information. Horstmann presents state-of-the-art discussions of object-oriented Java development, reflection and proxies, updated coverage of Swing user interface development, definitive introductions to inner classes and the Java event model, thorough explanations of stream I/O and object serialization, and much more. This edition contains new review questions and practice exercises, along with even more of the robust, real-world programs previous editions are famous for-all fully updated to reflect the latest JDK features and improvements.


Preface. To the Reader. About This Book. Conventions. Sample Code. Acknowledgments. 1. An Introduction to Java. Java as a Programming Tool. Advantages of Java. The Java "White Paper" Buzzwords. Java and the Internet. A Short History of Java. Common Misconceptions About Java. 2. The Java Programming Environment. Installing the Java Software Development Kit. Development Environments. Using the Command Line Tools. Using an Integrated Development Environment. Compiling and Running Programs from a Text Editor. Graphical Applications. Applets. 3. Fundamental Programming Structures in Java. A Simple Java Program. Comments. Data Types. Variables. Assignments and Initializations. Operators. Strings. Control Flow. Arrays. 4. Objects and Classes. Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming. Using Existing Classes. Building Your Own Classes. Static Fields and Methods. Method Parameters. Object Construction. Packages. Documentation Comments. Class Design Hints. 5. Inheritance. Extending Classes. Object: The Cosmic Superclass. The Class Class. Reflection. Design Hints for Inheritance. 6. Interfaces and Inner Classes. Interfaces. Object Cloning. Inner Classes. Proxies. 7. Graphics Programming. Introduction to Swing. Creating a Frame. Frame Positioning. Displaying Information in a Panel. 2D Shapes. Colors. Text and Fonts. Images. 8. Event Handling. Basics of Event Handling. The AWT Event Hierarchy. Semantic and Low-Level Events in the AWT. Low-Level Event Types. Actions. Multicasting. The Event Queue. 9. User Interface Components with Swing. The Model-View-Controller Design Pattern. An Introduction to Layout Management. Text Input. Making Choices. Menus. Sophisticated Layout Management. Dialog Boxes. 10. Deploying Applets and Applications. Applet Basics. The Applet HTML Tags and Attributes. Multimedia. The Applet Context. JAR Files. Packaging Applications. Java Web Start. Storing Application Preferences. 11. Exceptions and Debugging. Dealing with Errors. Catching Exceptions. Some Tips on Using Exceptions. Logging. Assertions. Debugging Techniques. Using a Debugger. 12. Streams and Files. Streams. The Complete Stream Zoo. ZIP File Streams. Putting Streams to Use. Object Streams. File Management. New I/O. Regular Expressions. Appendix. Index.

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  • ISBN
    • 0130471771
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    San Antonio, Calif.,Upper Saddle River, NJ
  • ページ数/冊数
    xxi, 728 p.
  • 大きさ
    24 cm
  • 親書誌ID