Deliberative policy analysis : understanding governance in the network society


Deliberative policy analysis : understanding governance in the network society

edited by Maarten Hajer and Hendrik Wagenaar

(Theories of institutional design)

Cambridge University Press, 2003

  • : hardback
  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 27



Includes bibliographical references (p. 266-296) and indexes



What kind of policy analysis is required now that governments increasingly encounter the limits of governing? Exploring the contexts of politics and policy making, this 2003 book presents an original analysis of the relationship between state and society, and new possibilities for collective learning and conflict resolution. The key insight of the book is that democratic governance calls for a new deliberatively-oriented policy analysis. Traditionally policy analysis has been state-centered, based on the assumption that central government is self-evidently the locus of governing. Drawing on detailed empirical examples, the book examines the influence of developments such as increasing ethnic and cultural diversity, the complexity of socio-technical systems, and the impact of transnational arrangements on national policy making. This contextual approach indicates the need to rethink the relationship between social theory, policy analysis, and politics. The book is essential reading for all those involved in the study of public policy.


  • Editors' introduction Maarten A. Hajer and Hendrik Wagenaar
  • Part I. Policy Conflict and Deliberation in the Network Society: 1. Collaborative policy making: governance through dialogue Judith Innes and David Booher
  • 2. Place, identity and local politics: analysing initiatives in deliberative governance Patsy Healey, Claudio de Magelhaes, Ali Madanipour and John Pendlebury
  • 3. A frame in the fields. Policy making and the reinvention of politics Maarten Hajer
  • Part II. Rethinking Policy Practice: 4. Democracy through policy discourse Douglas Torgerson
  • 5. Understanding policy practices: action, dialectic and deliberation in policy analysis Hendrik Wagenaar and Scott Noam Cook
  • 6. Reframing practice David Laws and Martin Rein
  • Part III. Foundations of a Deliberative Policy Analysis: 7. Beyond empiricism: policy analysis as deliberative practice Frank Fischer
  • 8. Accessing local knowledge: policy analysis and communities of meaning Dvora Yanow
  • 9. Theoretical strategies of post-structuralist policy analysis: towards an analytics of government Herbert Gottweiss.

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