Quantum closures and disclosures : thinking-together postphenomenology and quantum brain dynamics


Quantum closures and disclosures : thinking-together postphenomenology and quantum brain dynamics

Gordon G. Globus

(Advances in consciousness research, v. 50)

J. Benjamins, c2003

  • : Eur : hb
  • : Eur : pb
  • : US : hb
  • : US : pb

大学図書館所蔵 6件 / 6




Includes bibliographical references (p. [181]-187) and index



Quantum Closures and Disclosures thinks together two seemingly irreconcilable discourses: An application of quantum field theory to brain functioning, called quantum brain dynamics, and the continental postphenomenological tradition, especially the work of Martin Heidegger and Jacques Derrida. Underlying both developments is a new ontology of nonCartesian dual modes whose rich provenance is their "between." World is disclosed in the lumen naturale of dual modes belonging-together in their between; all presencing is a function of a "~conjugate" form of match in the between. This surprising rapprochement between a powerful tradition within continental philosophy and the 20th-century quantum revolution in science is fruitfully applied to crucial issues in philosophy, brain science, mathematics and psychiatry. Related Titles: Quantum Brain Dynamics and Consciousness: An introduction, edited by Mari Jibu and Kunio Yasue (1995), and My Double Unveiled: The dissipative quantum model of the brain, by Giuseppe Vitiello (2001)


  • 1. Abbreviations
  • 2. Acknowledgements
  • 3. Pre-amble
  • 4. 1. Heidegger and the Quantum Brain
  • 5. 2. PostHeideggerian Postphenomenology and the Quantum Brain
  • 6. 3. Derrida and the Quantum Brain
  • 7. 4. Post-amble
  • 8. References
  • 9. Index

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