The e-business (r)evolution : living and working in an interconnected world


    • Amor, Daniel


The e-business (r)evolution : living and working in an interconnected world

Daniel Amor

(Hewlett-Packard professional books)

Prentice Hall PTR, c2002

2nd ed


e-business (r)evolution

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Includes index



The E-business (R)evolution became a global bestseller due to its remarkable combination of technical and business insight into the challenges of e-business for both the short-term and the long-term. Now, Daniel Amor has thoroughly updated his book to reflect dramatic change in the e-business marketplace -- and to teach the powerful lessons that the dot-com crash has to offer. For those who are talking less about e-business, but doing more, The E-business (R)evolution, Second Edition is the single best source for both strategy and tactics. Amor covers every aspect of doing business on the Web -- today and tomorrow, B2B and B2C. He begins by providing a technical and business foundation for your e-business initiative, describing key considerations ranging from marketing to law. Next, he walks through the technology and architecture of e-business, introducing Internet-, intranet- and extranet-based applications, client software, middleware, and back-end systems. This Edition adds detailed new coverage of customer relationship management, content management, and knowledge management. Amor offers business cases that tie technology to the goals of the enterprise, and concludes with a preview of the future of e-business in light of key trends, from open source to pervasive computing.


Foreword By Paolo Glisenti. Introduction. I. THE FOUNDATION. 1. Introduction to Internet Business. Being Online. Defining E-Business. Reasons for Going Online. Differentiating between E-Business Categories. Using the New Paradigm of E-Business. 2. Preparing the Online Business. Competitor Analysis on the Internet. The Fourth Channel. Paradigms in the New Economy. Return on Investment. Driving Business Process Reengineering. Designing, Developing, and Deploying the System. 3. Selecting the Technology. Internet Networking. Exploring the IT Infrastructure. Deciding on the Enterprise Middleware. Choosing the Right Enterprise Applications. Building the E-Business Applications. Speeding up the Internet. 4. Avoiding Legal Issues. Global Contracts. The Web Site. Encryption Algorithms. Developing a Dark Site. 5. Marketing Strategies on the Web. Internet Marketing Technologies. Web Design. Attracting Visitors to Your Site. Virtual Societies. Localization. Promoting Your E-Business. Banner Ad Campaigning. Online Measurement. One-to-One Marketing. Direct Marketing. Choosing the Right ISP. II. E-BUSINESS APPLICATIONS. 6. Search Engines and Portals. Searching the Internet. The Future of Searching. Intelligent Network Agents. Portal Sites. 7. Shopping and ORM Solutions. Online Shopping. Shopping Solutions. Implications of the New Economy. Electronic Software Distribution. Configurator Tools. Auctioning on the Internet. Operational Resources Management. Joining the Shopping and ORM Solutions. 8. Supporting E-Business Components. Content Management Systems. Customer Relationship Management. Knowledge Management Systems. 9. Interactive Communication Experiences. The Basics. Moderating Online Meetings. Internet Chat Solutions. Peer-to-Peer Technologies. Internet-Based Trainings. III. INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES. 10. Comparing Web Technologies. Finding the Right Browser. The Hypertext Markup Language. The Dynamic Web. Dynamic Server Concepts. Web Application Servers. The Extensible Markup Language. Plug-ins. JavaScript. 11. Security on the Internet. Creating a Security Strategy. Cryptographic Tools. Applications of Cryptology. Privacy on the Internet. Fighting Virus and Hoax Virus Warnings. Conflicts in the Information Age. Client-based Security. Server-based Security. 12. Dealing with Java. Introducing Java. Java Foundation Classes. Jini. JavaBeans. InfoBus. Resolving Possible Java Issues. Avoiding the Java Wars. The Future of Java Computing. 13. Imaging on the Internet. Image Business. Image Concepts. The FlashPix Format. QuickTime VR. VRML. Comparing Imaging Technologies. The Future of Imaging. 14. Paying Via the NET. The Payment Business. Fraud on the Internet. Example Business Cases. Postpaid Payment Systems. Instant-paid Payment Systems. Prepaid Payment Systems. Comparing Payment Technologies. The Future of Payment. IV. THE PRESENT FUTURE. 15. The Open Source Community. Information Wants to Be Free. Free Software Projects. Open Source Projects. Moving Your Company from Products to Services. Introduction to Open Hardware. Outlook into the Future. 16. Pervasive Computing. Internet Services. Programming Models. Device-to-device Communication. Information Exchange. Service Broadcasting. The Vision. Comparison of Pervasive Computing Technologies. The Future of Pervasive Computing. 17. Beyond Pervasive Computing. Technical Outlook on the Future. Looking into the Future of Business. The Societal Impact. A: Glossary of E-Business Terms. B: Example Internet Business Architecture. The Business Idea. Marketing on the Web. Implementation of the Service. Outlook into the Future. C: Useful Web Addresses. Business. Comics. Computers. Fun. Hacking-Related Sites. Internet Organizations. Mailing Lists. News. Search Engines. Software Development. D: Internationalization of Web Sites. Introduction. Bad Habits. ISO 8859 and Unicode. ISO 639 Language Codes. International URLs. E Dot.Com Death Analysis. Introduction. Dot.Com Failures. Successful Examples. The Future. Subject Index.

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