AI 2003 : advances in artificial intelligence : 16th Australian Conference on AI, Perth, Australia, December 3-5, 2003 : proceedings



AI 2003 : advances in artificial intelligence : 16th Australian Conference on AI, Perth, Australia, December 3-5, 2003 : proceedings

Tamás D. Gedeon, Lance Chun Che Fung (eds.)

(Lecture notes in computer science, 2903 . Lecture notes in artificial intelligence)

Springer, c2003

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 21



Includes bibliographical references and index



Consider the problem of a robot (algorithm, learning mechanism) moving along the real line attempting to locate a particular point ? . To assist the me- anism, we assume that it can communicate with an Environment ("Oracle") which guides it with information regarding the direction in which it should go. If the Environment is deterministic the problem is the "Deterministic Point - cation Problem" which has been studied rather thoroughly [1]. In its pioneering version [1] the problem was presented in the setting that the Environment could charge the robot a cost which was proportional to the distance it was from the point sought for. The question of having multiple communicating robots locate a point on the line has also been studied [1, 2]. In the stochastic version of this problem, we consider the scenario when the learning mechanism attempts to locate a point in an interval with stochastic (i. e. , possibly erroneous) instead of deterministic responses from the environment. Thus when it should really be moving to the "right" it may be advised to move to the "left" and vice versa. Apart from the problem being of importance in its own right, the stoch- tic pointlocationproblemalsohas potentialapplications insolvingoptimization problems. Inmanyoptimizationsolutions-forexampleinimageprocessing,p- tern recognition and neural computing [5, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 19], the algorithm worksits wayfromits currentsolutionto the optimalsolutionbasedoninfor- tion that it currentlyhas. A crucialquestionis oneof determining the parameter whichtheoptimizationalgorithmshoulduse.


Keynote Papers.- Discovery of Emerging Patterns and Their Use in Classification.- Robot Soccer: Science or Just Fun and Games?.- On How to Learn from a Stochastic Teacher or a Stochastic Compulsive Liar of Unknown Identity.- Multimedia Analysis and Synthesis.- Ontology.- Modelling Message Handling System.- A New Approach for Concept-Based Web Search.- Representing the Spatial Relations in the Semantic Web Ontologies.- Inductive Construction of Ontologies from Formal Concept Analysis.- Problem Solving.- Dynamic Variable Filtering for Hard Random 3-SAT Problems.- A Proposal of an Efficient Crossover Using Fitness Prediction and Its Application.- A New Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for the Robust Graph Coloring Problem.- Estimating Problem Metrics for SAT Clause Weighting Local Search.- Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining I.- Information Extraction via Path Merging.- Natural Language Agreement Description for Reversible Grammars.- Token Identification Using HMM and PPM Models.- Korean Compound Noun Term Analysis Based on a Chart Parsing Technique.- Knowledge Discovery and Data Milling II.- A Language Modeling Approach to Search Distributed Text Databases.- Combining Multiple Host-Based Detectors Using Decision Tree.- Association Rule Discovery with Unbalanced Class Distributions.- Efficiently Mining Frequent Patterns from Dense Datasets Using a Cluster of Computers.- Expert Systems.- Weighted MCRDR: Deriving Information about Relationships between Classifications in MCRDR.- Fuzzy Cognitive Map Learning Based on Nonlinear Hebbian Rule.- MML Inference of Decision Graphs with Multi-way Joins and Dynamic Attributes.- Selection of Parameters in Building Fuzzy Decision Trees.- Neural Networks Applications.- Tool Condition Monitoring in Drilling Using Artificial Neural Networks.- Software Verification of Redundancy in Neuro-Evolutionary Robotics.- A Firearm Identification System Based on Neural Network.- Predicting the Australian Stock Market Index Using Neural Networks Exploiting Dynamical Swings and Intermarket Influences.- Belief Revisioii and Theorem Proving.- A Tableaux System for Deontic Interpreted Systems.- Decidability of Propositionally Quantified Logics of Knowledge.- Some Logics of Belief and Disbelief.- Axiomatic Analysis of Negotiation Protocols.- Reasoning and Logic.- A Probabilistic Line Breaking Algorithm.- Semiring-Valued Satisfiability.- A Defeasible Logic of Policy-Based Intention.- Dynamic Agent Ordering in Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problems.- Machine Learning I.- On Why Discretization Works for Naive-Bayes Classifiers.- Adjusting Dependence Relations for Semi-Lazy TAN Classifiers.- Reduction of Non Deterministic Automata for Hidden Markov Model Based Pattern Recognition Applications.- Unsupervised Learning of Correlated Multivariate Gaussian Mixture Models Using MML.- AI Applications.- Cooperative Learning in Self-Organizing E-Learner Communities Based on a Multi-Agents Mechanism.- The Effects of Material, Tempo and Search Depth on Win-Loss Ratios in Chess.- Using Multiple Classification Ripple Down Rules for Intelligent Tutoring System's Knowledge Acquisition.- Model-Based Reinforcement Learning for Alternating Markov Games.- Neural Networks.- HLabelSOM: Automatic Labelling of Self Organising Maps toward Hierarchical Visualisation for Information Retrieval.- Using Images to Compare Two Constructive Network Techniques.- Pareto Neuro-Ensembles.- Predicting the Distribution of Discrete Spatial Events Using Artificial Neural Networks.- Intelligent Agents.- Learning Action Selection Network of Intelligent Agent.- A Dynamic Self-Organizing E-Learner Communities with Improved Multi-agent Matchmaking Algorithm.- Learning to Survive: Increased Learning Rates by Communication in a Multi-agent System.- An Infrastructure for Agent Collaboration in Open Environments.- Computer Vision.- Fingerprint Images Segmentation Using Two Stages Coarse to Fine Discrimination Technique.- Automatic Fingerprint Center Point Determination by Using Modified Directional Field and Morphology.- Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Processing: An Application in Robot Vision.- Towards Automated Creation of Image Interpretation Systems.- AI & Medical Applications.- Dealing with Decision Costs in CBR in Medical Applications.- A Case Study in Feature Invention for Breast Cancer Diagnosis Using X-Ray Scatter Images.- Effectiveness of A Direct Speech Transform Method Using Inductive Learning from Laryngectomee Speech to Normal Speech.- Machine Learning II.- Robustness for Evaluating Rule's Generalization Capability in Data Mining.- Choosing Learning Algorithms Using Sign Tests with High Replicability.- Evaluating a Nearest-Neighbor Method to Substitute Continuous Missing Values.- Single-Class Classification Augmented with Unlabeled Data: A Symbolic Approach.- Machilie Learning and Language.- C3: A New Learning Scheme to Improve Classification of Rare Category Emails.- A New Approach for Scientific Citation Classification Using Cue Phrases.- Automatic Dialogue Segmentation Using Discourse Chunking.- Artificial Intelligence I.- On Using Prototype Reduction Schemes and Classifier Fusion Strategies to Optimize Kernel-Based Nonlinear Subspace Methods.- Noise Tolerance of EP-Based Classifiers.- Guided Operators for a Hyper-Heuristic Genetic Algorithm.- AI \& Business.- Translating Novelty of Business Model into Terms of Modal Logics.- An eNegotiation Framework.- Teaching Computational Intelligent Techniques with Real-Life Problems in Stock Trading.- Soft Computing.- Finding Optimal Architectures and Weights for ANN: A Combined Hierarchical Approach.- Race Car Chassis Tuning Using Artificial Neural Networks.- Applications of Soft Computing for Musical Instrument Classification.- Nonlinear Time Series Prediction Based on Lyapunov Theory-Based Fuzzy Neural Network and Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm.- A Unified Stochastic Architecture for Spoken Dialogue Systems.- Language Understanding.- Evaluating Corpora for Named Entity Recognition Using Character-Level Features.- Active Learning: Applying RinSCut Thresholding Strategy to Uncertainty Sampling.- The Effect of Evolved Attributes on Classification Algorithms.- Semi-Automatic Construction of Metadata from a Series of Web Documents.- Theory.- Constructive Plausible Logic Is Relatively Consistent.- Heuristic Search Algorithms Based on Symbolic Data Structures.- BN+BN: Behavior Network with Bayesian Network for Intelligent Agent.- Effectiveness of Syntactic Information for Document Classification.- Off-Line Signature Verification and Forgery Detection System Based on Fuzzy Modeling.- Artificial Intelligence II.- Case Study: A Course Advisor Expert System.- Applications of the Ecological Visualization System Using Artificial Neural Network and Mathematical Analysis.- Dynamic Games to Assess Network Value and Performance.- Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Information Infrastructure.- MML Classification of Music Genres.

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  • ISBN
    • 3540206469
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    Berlin ; Tokyo
  • ページ数/冊数
    xvi, 1075 p.
  • 大きさ
    24 cm
  • 親書誌ID