Narratologia : contributions to narrative theory
Narratologia : contributions to narrative theory
edited by Fotis Jannidis, John Pier, Wolf Schmid
Walter de Gruyter
- タイトル別名
Narratologia : Beiträge zur Erzähltheorie
Vol. 17 edited by Fotis Jannidis, Matías Martínez, John Pier, Wolf Schmid (executive editor)
- Erfahrung und Geschichte : historische Sinnbildung im Pränarrativen
herausgegeben von Thiemo Breyer, Daniel Creutz
De Gruyter c2010 Narratologia : contributions to narrative theory / edited by Fotis Jannidis,
John Pier, Wolf Schmid 23 所蔵館4館
- Eventfulness in British fiction
by Peter Hühn ; with contributions by Markus Kempf, Katrin Kroll and Jette K. Wulf
De Gruyter c2010 Narratologia : contributions to narrative theory / edited by Fotis Jannidis,
John Pier, Wolf Schmid 18 所蔵館3館
- Narratologie des Raumes
Katrin Dennerlein
De Gruyter c2009 Narratologia : contributions to narrative theory / edited by Fotis Jannidis,
John Pier, Wolf Schmid 22 所蔵館3館
- Slavische Erzähltheorie : russische und tschechische Ansätze
herausgegeben von Wolf Schmid
De Gruyter c2009 Narratologia : contributions to narrative theory / edited by Fotis Jannidis,
John Pier, Wolf Schmid 21 所蔵館2館
- Russische Proto-Narratologie : Texte in kommentierten Übersetzungen
herausgegeben von Wolf Schmid
Walter De Gruyter c2009 Narratologia : contributions to narrative theory / edited by Fotis Jannidis,
John Pier, Wolf Schmid 16 所蔵館3館
- Narratology in the age of cross-disciplinary narrative research
edited by Sandra Heinen, Roy Sommer
Walter de Gruyter c2009 Narratologia : contributions to narrative theory / edited by Fotis Jannidis,
John Pier, Wolf Schmid 20 所蔵館8館
- Point of view, perspective, and focalization : modeling mediation in narrative
edited by Peter Hühn, Wolf Schmid and Jörg Schönert
Walter de Gruyter c2009 Narratologia : contributions to narrative theory / edited by Fotis Jannidis,
John Pier, Wolf Schmid 17 所蔵館12館
- Handbook of narratology
edited by Peter Hühn ... [et al.]
Walter de Gruyter c2009 Narratologia : contributions to narrative theory / edited by Fotis Jannidis,
John Pier, Wolf Schmid 19 : hbk
- Textkohärenz und Narration : Untersuchungen russischer Texte des Realismus und der Moderne
Robert Hodel, Volkmar Lehmann
De Gruyter c2008 Narratologia : contributions to narrative theory / edited by Fotis Jannidis,
John Pier, Wolf Schmid 15 所蔵館2館
- Das narrative Urteil : erzählerische Problemverhandlungen von Hiob bis Kant
Michael Richter
De Gruyter c2008 Narratologia : contributions to narrative theory / edited by Fotis Jannidis,
John Pier, Wolf Schmid 13 所蔵館2館
- Narrative unreliability in the twentieth-century first-person novel
edited by Elke D'hoker and Gunther Martens
Walter de Gruyter c2008 Narratologia : contributions to narrative theory / edited by Fotis Jannidis,
John Pier, Wolf Schmid 14 所蔵館8館
- Theorizing narrativity
edited by John Pier and José Ángel García Landa
Walter de Gruyter c2008 Narratologia : contributions to narrative theory / edited by Fotis Jannidis,
John Pier, Wolf Schmid 12 所蔵館12館
- Lyrik und Narratologie : Text-Analysen zu deutschsprachigen Gedichten vom 16. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert
Jörg Schönert, Peter Hühn, Malte Stein
Walter de Gruyter c2007 Narratologia : contributions to narrative theory / edited by Fotis Jannidis,
John Pier, Wolf Schmid 11 所蔵館6館
- Stimme(n) im Text : narratologische Positionsbestimmungen
herausgegeben von Andreas Blödorn, Daniela Langer, Michael Scheffel
Walter de Gruyter c2006 Narratologia : contributions to narrative theory / edited by Fotis Jannidis,
John Pier, Wolf Schmid 10 所蔵館4館
- The implied author : concept and controversy
Tom Kindt, Hans-Harald Müller
W. de Gruyter c2006 Narratologia : contributions to narrative theory / edited by Fotis Jannidis,
John Pier, Wolf Schmid 9 所蔵館8館
- Narratology beyond literary criticism : mediality, disciplinarity
edited by Jan Christoph Meister ; in collaboration with Tom Kindt and Wilhelm Schernus
Walter de Gruyter c2005 Narratologia : contributions to narrative theory / edited by Fotis Jannidis,
John Pier, Wolf Schmid 6 所蔵館6館
- Erzählte Geschichte : narrative Strukturen in der französischen Annales-Geschichtsschreibung
Axel Rüth
de Gruyter c2005 Narratologia : contributions to narrative theory / edited by Fotis Jannidis,
John Pier, Wolf Schmid 5 所蔵館4館
- Elemente der Narratologie
Wolf Schmid
Walter de Gruyter 2005 Narratologia : contributions to narrative theory / edited by Fotis Jannidis,
John Pier, Wolf Schmid 8 所蔵館5館
- The narratological analysis of lyric poetry : studies in English poetry from the 16th to the 20th century
Peter Hühn, Jens Kiefer ; translated by Alastair Matthews
Walter de Gruyter c2005 Narratologia : contributions to narrative theory / edited by Fotis Jannidis,
John Pier, Wolf Schmid 7 所蔵館7館
- The dynamics of narrative form : studies in Anglo-American narratology
edited by John Pier
Walter de Gruyter c2004 Narratologia : contributions to narrative theory / edited by Fotis Jannidis,
John Pier, Wolf Schmid 4 所蔵館7館