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The Priyadarśikā of Śrī Harṣadeva = ŚrīHarṣadevaviracitā Priyadarśikā / edited with an exhaustive introduction, a short Sanskrit commentary, various readings, a literal English translation, copious notes and useful appendices by M. R. Kāle. -- Delhi : Motial Banarsidass , 1977. -- [60], 43, 55 p. ; 22 cm. -- Reprint of the 1928 ed., Bombay. -- (BA6693682X) ; https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA6693682X
Author Heading(s): Harṣavardhana, King of Thānesar and Kanauj, fl. ; Kāle, M. R. (Moreshvar Ramchandra)