African American education : race, community, inequality and achievement : a tribute to Edgar G. Epps


African American education : race, community, inequality and achievement : a tribute to Edgar G. Epps

edited by Walter R. Allen, Margaret Beale Spencer, Carla O'Connor ; editorial assistant, Ophella Dano

(Advances in education in diverse communities : research, policy, and praxis / Carol Camp Yeakey, series editor, v. 2)

JAI Press, 2002

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2




This volume considers African-American education in the 21st century through the lens of the Chicago School Tradition, at the University of Chicago. The Chicago School Tradition, among other emphases, stressed the optimistic view that all children who do not have serious physical or emotional impairments can do well in school, if provided access to effective teachers, sufficient resources and adequate opportunities to learn. On the occasion of Professor Edgar G. Epps' retirement from the University of Chicago, as Marshall Field IV Professor of Urban Education, this volume includes contributions from several generations of scholars influenced by his work to celebrate his career and contributions to educational research, policy and practice. More broadly, the volume adopts a holistic approach to examine the persistent challenges of deteriorating urban schools and poor educational outcomes for African American students. The volume seeks to demonstrate how solutions may flow from educational research, theory, policy and practices conducted in the Chicago School Tradition.


Editor's welcome. Acknowledgements. Foreword (E.W. Gordon). Introduction (W.R. Allen et al.). Elementary and Secondary School Experiences. Who will socialize African American students in contemporary public schools? (D.S. Pollard). African American female students: their stories about academic achievement (L.M. Pickens). Zero tolerance policies and African American students (R.D. Henderson, R.R. Verdugo). College Experiences. Another shade of brown: the integration of white students into all-black colleges and universities in the South, 1954-1960 (V.P. Franklin). Identity and Achievement: black ideology and the SAT in African American college students (J. Fleming). Expectations of campus racial climate and social adjustment among African American students (S.S. Smith, M.R. Moore). Examining the perceptions of minority undergraduate students participating in a university-based research program (H.T. Frierson, Jr., R.A. Zulli). The social utility scholarship: views of some African American scholars (A.A. Young, Jr.). Family and Socialization Experiences. Research evidence on seven key hypotheses about student achievement (R. Clark). The socialization of academic achievement and racial consciousness in a black community-based youth organization (T.R. Rone). Education for African Americans in the information age (C.B. Leggon). Time out of bound: high school completion and work preparation among urban, poor, unwed African American nonresident fathers (W.E. Johnson, Jr.) Health, Employment and Community Experiences. Structural racism and community health: a theory-driven model for identity intervention (M.B. Spencer et al.). Examining the career development behavior of inner city, special needs minority youth through the Philadelphia Start-on-Success Scholars Internship Model Demonstration Program (C.W. Ashford, J.Y. Youngblood II). Male contraceptive use: a preliminary examination of factors that influence African American males' condom use (R. Dixon-Reeves). Black attitudes toward church integration (C.H. Thornton, Jr.). Toward cultural pluralism and economic justice (B.R. Hare). Afterword (E.G. Epps). About the contributors.

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