John Calvin on the visions of Ezekiel : historical and hermeneutical studies in John Calvin's "Sermons inédits", especially on Ezek. 36-48


    • Boer, E. A. de


John Calvin on the visions of Ezekiel : historical and hermeneutical studies in John Calvin's "Sermons inédits", especially on Ezek. 36-48

by E.A. De Boer

(Kerkhistorische bijdragen, deel 21)

Brill, 2004

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references (p. [263]-270) and indexes



John Calvin's sermons on Ezekiel, held between 1552 and 1554 in the church 'la Madeleine' in Geneva and now studied for the first time, offer intriguing material on his exposition of prophetic visions. The manuscripts disclose the reformer's preaching on the book as a whole, including the visions on the restoration of Israel, Gog and Magog, and the great temple vision. The first part of this study focuses on the history of patristic, medieval and 16th century exegesis of Ezekiel. The second part is a systematic theological analysis of the hermeneutical principles of Calvin's exposition of visionary revelation. Finally, the sermons on the visions of Ezek. 36-48, a unique specimen of literal historical exegesis with a christological perspective, are analysed.


Preface Abbreviations Abbreviated Titles General introduction PART I. CALVIN AND THE HISTORY OF EXEGESIS ON EZEKIEL Introduction 1. The Church Fathers 2. The Monks 3. The Colleagues 4. The Jews PART II. JOHN CALVIN ON VISIONARY REVELATION 5. Vision and Doctrine 6. Characteristics of Visionary Revelation 7. 'Visio' as Prophetic Performance PART III THE VISIONS OF EZEK. 37-48 IN CALVIN'S EXPOSITION Introduction 8. Promises added to the Threats (Ezek. 36) 9. The Restoration of Israel (Ezek. 37) 10. Gog and Magog (Ezek. 38-39) 11. The New Temple and City (Ezek. 40-48) 12. Conclusions Bibliography Index of Biblical Texts Index of Names Index of Subjects

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