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Modern studies in European law
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Series modern studies in European law
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- Governing public health : EU law, regulation and biopolitics
Mark L Flear
Hart 2018 Modern studies in European law
: pb
Available at 3 libraries
- Administrative regulation beyond the non-delegation doctrine : a study on EU agencies
Marta Simoncini
Hart Pub. 2018 Modern studies in European law v. 88
: hb
Available at 3 libraries
- The struggle for European private law : a critique of codification
Leone Niglia
Hart 2017 Modern studies in European law v. 50
: pb
Available at 1 libraries
- Republican Europe
Anna Kocharov
Hart 2017 Modern studies in European law v. 72
: hb
Available at 1 libraries
- Protecting vulnerable groups : the European human rights framework
edited by Francesca Ippolito and Sara Iglesias Sánchez
Hart , Bloomsbury 2017, c2015 Modern studies in European law v. 51
: PB
Available at 2 libraries
- The use of force and article 2 of the ECHR in light of European conflicts
Hannah Russell
Hart 2017 Modern studies in European law v. 81
: hardback
Available at 1 libraries
- The European Union in international organisations and global governance : recent developments
edited by Christine Kaddous
Hart 2017, c2015 Modern studies in European law v. 56
: pb
Available at 2 libraries
- The rule of law in the European Union : the internal dimension
Theodore Konstadinides
Hart 2017 Modern studies in European law v. 78
: hardback
Available at 3 libraries
- Nudge and the law : a European perspective
edited by Alberto Alemanno and Anne-Lise Sibony
Hart Publishing 2017, c2015 Modern studies in European law
: pb
Available at 3 libraries
- The EU and nanotechnologies : a critical analysis
Tanja Ehnert
Hart Pub. 2017 Modern studies in European law v. 75
: hb
Available at 2 libraries
- The division of competences between the EU and the member states : reflections on the past, the present and the future
edited by Sacha Garben and Inge Govaere
Hart 2017 Modern studies in European law v. 79
: hard
Available at 4 libraries
- Questioning EU citizenship : judges and the limits of free movement and solidarity in the EU
edited by Daniel Thym
Hart 2017 Modern studies in European law v. 83
: hb
Available at 2 libraries
- Reconceptualising European equality law : a comparative institutional analysis
Johanna Croon-Gestefeld
Hart 2017 Modern studies in European law v. 69
: hb
Available at 3 libraries
- The European Union and social security law
Jaan Paju
Hart 2017 Modern studies in European law v. 77
: hbk , : pbk
Available at 9 libraries
- Family reunification in the EU : the movement and residence rights of third country national family members of EU citizens
Chiara Berneri
Hart 2017 Modern studies in European law v. 73
: hardback
Available at 2 libraries
- EU liability and international economic law
Armin Steinbach
Hart 2017 Modern studies in European law v. 74
: hardback
Available at 2 libraries
- The fundamental right to data protection : normative value in the context of counter-terrorism surveillance
Maria Tzanou
Hart Pub. 2017 Modern studies in European law v. 71
: hb
Available at 2 libraries
- Fundamental rights in the EU : a matter for two courts
edited by Sonia Morano-Foadi and Lucy Vickers
Hart 2017, c2015 Modern studies in European law v. 53
: pb
Available at 1 libraries
- The legitimacy of family rights in Strasbourg case law : "living instrument" or extinguished sovereignty?
Carmen Draghici
Hart 2017 Modern studies in European law v. 64
: hb
Available at 2 libraries
- Marketing and advertising law in a process of harmonisation
edited by Ulf Bernitz and Caroline Heide-Jørgensen
Hart Publishing 2017 Modern studies in European law
Available at 1 libraries