Revolution unending : Afghanistan : 1979 to the present


Revolution unending : Afghanistan : 1979 to the present

Gilles Dorronsoro ; translated from the French by John King

(The CERI series in comparative politics and international studies / [edited by] Jean-François Bayart and Christophe Jaffrelot)

Hurst & Co., c2005

[Revised and updated ed]

  • : casebound
  • : paperback


La révolution afghane : des communistes aux tâlebân

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



"in association with the Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Internationales, Paris"

"First published in 2000 as La révolution afghane. Des communistes aux tâlebân by Karthala, Paris"--T.p. verso

"This revised and updated edition first published in the United Kingdom by C. Hurst & Co."--T.p. verso

Includes bibliographical references and index



: casebound ISBN 9781850656838


The defeat of the Greek armies in Asia Minor in August 1922, leading to what the Greeks call 'the Asia Minor Catastrophe', led directly to the flight of Greek refugees from Asia Minor, the compulsory exchange of populations between Greece and Turkey and the resettlement in Greece of 1,300,000 displaced people. This is the great theme of this book, which now makes a reappearance four decades after its original publication. Pentzopoulos sets out the background and the facts of the exchange and refugee settlement, and analyses the ethnological, economic, political, social and cultural impact. The book is an essential reference work for the study of modern Greece, and complements the historical study of the 1922 Catastrophe, Ionian Vision (Hurst, [1973] 1998), by Michael Llewellyn Smith, who contributes a new preface to this volume.

: paperback ISBN 9781850657033


While not underestimating the oft-cited "ethnic factor" in Afghan politics, especially Pashtun dominance, Dorronsoro argues that class and the competition for employment and education are key factors in explaining the country's recent past. The 1990s saw the triumph of religious authorities (the ulema) and the marginalization of the traditional elites. With coalition intervention in 2001 and the subsequent deposition of the ulema-dominated Taliban, the educated elites are back in power. However, as Dorronsoro argues, patching up the country by means of short-term ethnic alliances and a new division of the spoils will only perpetuate the schisms in society. The Afghan civil war, Dorronsoro suggests, is set to continue and perhaps worsen over time.

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