
Materials science and technology : a comprehensive treatment

edited by R.W. Cahn, P. Haasen, E.J. Kramer

Wiley-VCH, c2005

Classic softcover ed

  • : set




The renowned series "Materials Science and Technology" is a first in scope, depth, and usability for this continuously growing interdisciplinary field. It established itself as a seminal work and essential reference to the field. This softcover edition now offers this wealth of information in one complete set of eleven volumes covering on more than 14,000 pages the most important classes of materials: metals, ceramics, glasses, polymers, semiconductors, and composites. The reader will benefit from the concise summary of the key knowledge of properties, processing, applications, and general phenomena associated with these materials.


  • Volume 1: Structure of Solids. 1. Elements of Symmetry in Periodic Lattices, Quasicrystals. (W. Steurer). 2. Electron Theory of Crystal Strucutr5e. (D. G. Pettifor). 3. Structure of Intermetallic Compounds and Phases. (R. Ferro, A. Saccone). 4. Structure of Amorphous and Molten Alloys (P. Lamparter, S. Steeb). 5. Lattice Vibrations. (H. R. Schober, W. Petry). 6. Point Defects in Crystals. (H. J. Wollenberger). 7. Dislocations in Crystals. (D. J. Bacon). 8. Crystal Surfaces. (M. A. Van Hove). 9. Structes of Interfaces in Crystalline Solids. (M. W. Finnis, M. Ruhle). Volume 2A: Characterization of Materials, Part I. 1. Electron Diffraction and Transmission Electron Microscopy. (S. Amelinckx). 2. Analytical Electron Microscopy. (E. L. Hall). 3. Scanning Electron Microscopy. (D. C. Joy). 4. X Ray Diffraction. (R. L. Snyder). 5. Light Optical Microscopy. (R. Telle, G. Petzow). 6. Atomic Spectrometry. (P. N. Keliher , E. M. Skelly Frame). 7. Thermoanalytical Methods. (P. K. Gallagher). 8. Application of Synchrotron X Radiation to Problems in Materials Science. (A. R. Gerson, P. J. Halfpenny, S. Pizzini, R. Ristic, K. J. Roberts, D. B. Sheen, J. N. Sherwood). 9. X Ray Fluorescence Analysis. ( R. Jenkins). 10. Polymer Molecular Structure Determination. (E. A. Williams). Volume 2B: Characterzation of Materials, Part II. 11. Nanoscale Characterization of Surface and Interfaces. (N. J. DiNardo). 12. Mechanical Specroscopy. (R. De Batist). 13. Scanning Auger Microscopy. (M. A. Baker, J. E. Castle). 14. Quantitative Acoustic Microscopy. (A. Briggs). 15. Quantitative Description of Microstructres by Image Analysis. (H. E. Exner). 16. Electron Microprobe Analysis. (E. Lifshin). 17. High Energy Ion Beam Analysis Techniques. (W. K. Chu, J. Liu, Z. Zhang, K. B. Ma). 18. Field Ion Microscopy and Atom Probe Analysis A. Cerezo, G. D. W. Smith). 19. Neutron Diffraction. (R. B. Von Dreele). 20. Small Angel Scattering of X Rays and Neutrons. (C. E. Williams, R. P. May, A. Guinier). 21. Characterization of Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films of Organic Materials. (D. L. Allara, P. Zhang). Volume 3A: Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Metals and Ceramics, Part I. 1. Electronic Structure Calculations. (J. Kubler, V. Eyert). 2. Magneto Optical Properties of Metals, Alloys and Compounds. (J. Schoenes). 3. Electronic Transport Properties of Normal Metals. (P. L. Rossiter, J. Bass). 4. Superconductivity. (P.H. Kes). 5. Magnetic Properties of Metallic Systems. (D. Gignoux). 6. Ultrathin Films and Superlattices. (S. N. Song, J. Ketterson.) 7. Fermi Surfaces in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems. (U. Onuki, T. Goto, T. Kasuya). Volume 3B: Electronic and Magnetic Preopteris of Metals and Ceramics, Part II. 8. Magentic Properties of Ferrites. (M. Guillot). 9. Electronic Properties of Liquid, Amorphous and Quasicrystalline Alloys. (U.Mizutani). 10. Invar Alloys. (M. Shiga). 11. Magnetic Recording Materials. (M. Hibst, E. Schwab). 12. Hydrogen in Metals. (L. Schlapbach, I. Anderson, J. P. Burger). 13. Ternary Hydrides. (M. Yamaguchi, E. E. Akiba). 14. Soft Magentic Metals and Alloys. (R. Boll). 15. Permanent Magnet Materials. (K. H. J. Buschow). 16. Magnetostrictive Materials. (J. R. Cullen, A. E. Clark, K. B. Hathaway). 17. High Density Magneto Optical Recording Materials. (P. J. Grundy). Volume 4: Electronic Structure and Properties of Semiconductors. 1. Band Theory Applied to Semiconductors. (M. Lannoo). 2. Optical Properties and Charge transport. (R. G. Ulbrich). 3. Intrinsic Point Defects in Semiconductors. (G. D. Watkins). 4. Deep Centers in Semiconductors. (H. Geichtinger). 5. Equilibria, Nonequilibria, Diffusion, and Precipitation. (U. M. Gosele, T. Y. Tan). 6. Dislocations. (H. Alexander, H. Teichler). 7. Grain Boundaries in Semiconductors. (J. Thibault, J. L. Rouviere, A. Bourret). 8. Interfaces. (A. Ourmazd, R. Hull, R. T. Tung). 9. The Hall Effect in Quantum Wires. (A.M. Chang). 10. Material Propetris of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon. (R.A. Street, K. Winer). 11. High Temperature Properties of 3rd Transition Elements in Silicon. (W. Schroter, M. Seibt, D. Gilles.) Volume 5: Phase Transformations in Materials. 1. Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams of Materials. (A.D. Pelton). 2. Diffusion in Crystalline Solids. (G.E. Murch). 3. Statistical Theoris of Phase Transitions. (K. Binder). 4. Homogeneous Second Phase Precipitation. (R. Wagner, R. Kampmann). 5. Transformations Involving Interfacial Diffusion. (G. R. Purdy). 6. Diffusionless Transformations. (L. Delaey). 7. Spinodal Decomposition. (K. Binder). 8. High Pressure Phase Transformations. (A. L. Ruoff). 9. Atomic Ordering. (W. Pitsch, G. Inden). 10. Solidification (H. Muller Krumbhaar, W. Kurz). Volume 6: Plastic Deformation and Fracture of Materials. 1. Introductory Chapter: Microstructre and Mechanical Properties. (H. Mughrabi). 2. Flow Stress and Work Hardening. (J. Gil Sevillano). 3. Deformation and Textures of Metals at Large Strain. (E. Aernoudt, P. Van Houtte, T. Leffers). 4. Dislocation Patterning. (L. P. Kubin). 5. Solid Solution Strengthening. (H. Neuhauser, C. Schwink). 6. Deformation of Intermetallic Compounds. (Y. Umakoshi). 7. Particle Strenghtening. (B. Reppich). 8. High Temperature Deformation and Creep of Crystalline Solids. (W. Blum). 9. Superplasticity in Metals, Ceramics and Intermetallics. (A. K. Mukherjee). 10. Inelastic Deformation and Fracture of Glassy Solids. A. S. Argon). 11. Cyclic Deformation and Fatigue. (S. Suresh). 12. Fracture Mechanisms. (H. Riedel). 13. Friction and Wear. (K. Kato). Volume 7: Constitution and Prperties of Steels. 1. Microstructre and Transforamtons in Steel. (G. Krauss). 2. Structre Preperty Realtionships in Steels. (F. B. Pickering). 3. Steelmaking and Non Metallic Inclusions. (A. Nicholson, D. S. Thornton). 4. Processing Conventional Heat Treatments. (H. Ohtani). 5. Processing Thermomechanical Controlled Processing. (I. Kozasu). 6. Processing Cold Working and Annealing. (R. C. Hudd). 7. Formable Steels. (M. Abe). 8. High Strength Low Alloy Steels. (F. B. Pickering). 9. Medium/High Carbon Steels for rails, Rods, bars and Forgings. (T. Gladman). 10. Heat Treated Engineering Steels. (D. J. Nayolor, W. T. Cook). 11. Creep Resisting Steels. (M. G. Gemmill). 12. Stainless Steels. (J. E. Truman). 13. Tool Steels. (H. W. Rayson). 14. Iron, Nickel and Cobalt Based Superalloys and Heat Resistant Alloys. (W. Betteridge). 15. Cast Irons. (R. Elliott). 16. Welding of Steel. (P. T. Houldcroft). 17. Surface Treatment of Steels. (K. T. Stevens, A. Davies). Volume 8: Structure and Properties of Nonferrous Alloys. Introduction
  • Some Economic Aspects of Nonferrous Metals. (K. H. Matucha). 1. Tin. (A. K. Suri, S. Banerjee). 2. Lead Alloys. (R. D. Prengaman). 3. Zinc. (D. Coutsouradis, G. Walmag). 4. Magnesium Based Alloys. (G. Neite, K. Kubota, K. Higashi, F. Hehmann). 5. Aluminum Based Alloys. (Y.Murakami). 6. Copper Based Alloys. (W. Heller). 7. NIckel Based Alloys. (U. Heubner). 8. Titanium, Zirconium, and Hafnium. (F. H. Froes, T. L. Yau, H. G. Weidinger). 9. Noble Metals and Their Alloys. (G. Schlamp). 10. Refractory Metals and Their Alloys. (E. Pink, R. Eck). 11. Intermetallics. (G. Sauthoff). Volume 9: Glasses and Amorphous Materials. 1. Classical Glass Technology. (M. Cable). 2. Special Methods of Obtaining Glasses and Amorphous Materials. ( J. Zarzycki). 3. Glass Formation and Relaxation. (G. W. Scherer). 4. Models for the Structure of Amorphous Solids. (P. H. Gaskell). 5. Oxide Glasses. (H. Rawson). 6. Optical and Magnetic Properties of Ion Implanted Glasses. (R. A. Weeks). 7. Chalcogenide Glasses. (S. R. Elliott). 8. Halide Glasses. (J. Lucas). 9. Metallic Glasses. (R. W. Cahn). 10. Glass Like Carbons. (S. Otani, A. Oya). 11. Organic Glasses and Polymers. (E. Rossler, H. Sillescu). 12. Optical Properties of Glasses. ( M. Weber). 13. Mechanical Properties of Glasses. (R. Bruckner). 14. Electrical Properties of Glasses. (M. D. Ingram). 15. Materials Technology of Optical Fibers. (J. B. MacChesney, D. J. DiGiovanni). Volume 10A: Nuclear Materials, Part I. 1. Metallic Fast Reactor Fuels. (G. L. Hofman, L. C. Walters). 2. Dispersion Fuels. (G. L. Hofman, J. L. Snelgrove). 3. Oxide Fuels. (J. D. B. lambert, R. Snelgrove). 4. Nonoxide Ceramic Nuclear Fuels. (H. Blank). 5. Nuclear Reactor Moderator Materials. (B. T. Kelly). 6. Irradiation Performance of Cladding and Structural Steels in Liquid Metal Reactors. (F. A. Garner). Volume 10B: Nuclear Maerials, Part II. 7. Zirconium Alloys in Nuclear Applications. 8. Structural Materials. (W. Dietz). 9. Physics of Radiation Damage in Metals. (W. Schilling, H. Ullmaier). 10. Fusion Reactor Materials. (D. L. Smith, R. F. Mattas, M. C. Billone). 11. Mixed Oxide Fuel Pin Performance. (A. Boltax). 12. Nuclear Waste Materials. (V. M. Oversby). Volume 11: Structrue and Properties of Ceramics. 1. Crystal Structures of Principal Ceramic Materials. (B. G. Hyde, J. G. Thompson R. L. Withers). 2. Oxide Ceramics. (J. D. Cawley, W. E. Lee). 3. Nitride Ceramics. (S. Hampshire). 4. Boride and Carbide Ceramics. (R. Telle). 5. Glass Ceramics. (B. Aitken, G. Beall). 6. Diffusion in Ceramics. (A. Atkinson). 7. Mechancial Properties of Ceramics. (R. F. Cook, G. M. Pharr). 8. Toughnening Mechanisms in Ceramic Systems. (P. F. Becher, L. R. F. Rose). 9. Mechancial Behavior of Cellular Ceramics. (R. Brezny, D. J. Green). 10. High Temperature Engineering Ceramics. (K. Komeya, M. Matsui). 11. Ceramic Superionic Conductors. (S. P. S. Badwal). 12. Ferroelectric Ceramics. (K. Uchino). 13. Ferrimagneitc Ceramics. (B. B. Ghate, A. Goldman). 14. Semiconducting Polycrystalline Ceramics. (G. E. Pike). 15. Oxide Superconductors. (D. R. Clarke, M. Daumling). Volume 12: Strucutre and Properties of Polymers. 1. Model Polymers for Materials Science. (L. J. Fetters, E. L. Thomas). 2. Amorphous Polymer Microstructure. (F. T. Gentile, U. W. Suter). 3. Structure of Polumer Single Crystals. (B. Lotz, J. C. Wittmann). 4. Crystallization and Morphology of Semicrystalline Polymers. (P. J. Barham). 5. Strucutre of Liquid Crystalline Polymers. (M. Ballauff). 6. Strucutre of Polymer Blends. (T. Hashimoto). 7. Elastic Properties of Crystalline Polymers. (D. T. Grubb). 8. Rubber Elasticity. (R. Ullman). 9. Viscoelastic and Rheological Properties. (M. Doi). 10. Plastic Deformation of Polymers. (B. Crist). 11. Dielectric Properties of Polymers. (G. Williams). 12. Optical Properties of Polymers. (W. Knoll). 13. High Performance Polymer Fibers. (H. Jiang, W. W. Adams, R. K. Eby). 14. Polymer Surfaces and Interfaces with Other Materials. (M. Tir5rell, E. E. Parsonage). 15. Crazing and Fracture of Polymers. (I. Narisawa, A. F. Yee). Volume 13: Structure and Properties of Composites. 1. Fibrous Composite Materials. (A. Kelly). 2. Fibers and Whiskers. (A. Parvizi Majidi). 3. Polymer Matrix Composites. (G. M. Newaz). 4. Metal Matrix Composites. (K. K. Chawla). 5. Ceramic Matrix Composites. (G. Fantozzi, C. Olagnon). 6. Interfaces in Composites. (J. K. Kim, Y. W. Mai)/ 7. Short Fiber Composites. (M. G. Bader, A. R. Hill). 8. Morphology Control in Polymer Composites. (H. Ishida, P. Bussi). 9. Elastic Properties of Composites. (R. F. Eduljee, R. L. McCullough). 10. Inelastic Properties of Composites. (C. T. Sun). 11. Strenght of Fiber Composites. (R. Y. Kim). 12. Fractrue of Fiber Composites. 13. Fatigue of Fiber Composites. (R. Talreja). Volume 14: Medical and Dental Materials. 1. Biofuncitonality and Biocompatibility. (D. F. Williams). 2. Materials for Bone and Joint Repalcement. (D. H. Kohn, P. Ducheyne). 3. Materials in the Cardiovascular System. (C. Baquey). 4. Biomaterials and Artificial Organs. (P. Aebischer, M. Goddard, P. M. Galletti, M. Lysaght). 5. Materials for Skin and Nerve Regeneration
  • Biologically Active Analogs of the Extracellular Matrix. (I. V. Yannas). 6. Dental Restorative Materials. (D. C. Watts). 7. Materials for Oral and Maxillogaical Surgery. (D. F. Williams) 8. Medical and Dental Adhesives. (B. E. Causton). 9. Materials Consideration in the Selection, Performance, and Adhesion of Polymeric Encapsulants for Implantable Sensors. (W. M. Reichert, S. S. Saavedra). 10. Materials for Implantable Electrodes and Electrinic Devices. (P. K. Campbell, K. E. Jones). 11. Materials for Drug Delivery. (M. R. Brunstedt, J. M. Anderson). 12. Materials for Ophthalmology. (D. F. Williams). 13. Materials for Fixed and Removalbe Prosthodontics. (D. W. Jones). Volume 15: Processing of Metals and Alloys. 1. Solidification Processing. (M. C. Flemings). 2. Rapid Solidification. (C. Suryanarayana). 3. Surface Modification by Lasers. (B. L. Mordike). 4. Powder Metallurgy. (V. S. Arunachalam, R. Sundaresan). 5. Mechanicall Milling and Alloying. (C. C. Koch). 6. Ion Implantation and Ion Beam Mixing. (D. M. Follstaedt). 7. The Epitzxy of Metals. (D. W. Pashley). 8. Metallic Multilayers. (R. E. Somekh, A. L. Greer). 9. Recrystallization and Recovery. (J. F. Humphreys). 10. Measurement and Control of Texture. (R. W. Cahn). 11. Electrodeposition of Metals and Alloys. (M. de Bonet, J. R. Roos, J. P, Celis). 12. Solidification Processing Under Microgravity. (P. R. Sahm, M. H. Keller). 13. Cluster Assembly of Nonphase Materials. (R. W. Siegel). Volume 16: Processing of Semiconductors. 1. Silicon PRocessing. (J. G. Wilkes). 2. Compound Semicnductor Proceessing. (J. B. Mullin). 3. Epitaxial Growth. (T. F. Kuech, M. A. Tischler). 4. Photolithography. (R. Leuschner, G. Pawlowski). 5. Selective Dping. (S. Mahajan). 6. Etching Processes in Semiconductor Manufacturing. (K. G. Donoheo, T. R. Turner, K.A. Jackson). 7. Silicon Device Structures. (C. Y Chang, S. M Sze). 8. Compound Semiconductor Device Structures. (W. E. Stanchina, J. F. Lam). 9. Silicon Device Processing. (D. L. Kwong). 10. Compound Seminconductor Device Processing. (J. M. Parsey, Jr.). 11. Integrated Circuit Packaging. (D. I. Amey). 12. Interconnection Systems. (W. H. Knausenberger). Volume 17: Processing of Ceramics, Part I. 1. Microstuctural Targets for ceramics. (R. Morrell). 2. Process Control in the Manufacture of Ceramics. (G. de With). 3. Chemical Preparation of Powders. (D. L. Segal). 4. Characterization of Particles and Powders. (B. Scarlett). 5. Die Pressing and Isostatic Pressing. (D. Bortzmeyer). 6. Slip Casting and Filter Pressing. (R. Fries, B. Rand). 7. Tape Casting. (H. Hellebrand). 8. Injection Moulding. (J. R. G. Evans). 9. Single Crystals. (A. L. Gentile, F. W. Ainger). 10. Green Mirostructures and Their Characterization. (B. C. BoneKamp, H. J. Veringa). Volume 17B: Processing of Ceramics, Part II. 11. Advanced Ceramics from Inorganic Polymers. (R. Riedel). 12. Biomimetic Processing. (P. Calvert). 13. Sintering and Hot Pressing. (U. Eisele). 14. Liquid Phase Sintering. (O. H. Kwon). 15. Vitrification. (F. Cambier, A. Leriche). 16. Hot Isostatic Pressing. (H. T. Larker, R. Larker). 17. Fired Microstructres adn Their Characterization. (H. M. Chan, M. P. Harmer). 18. Finishing. (K. Subramanian). 19. Joining of Cermaics. (M. G. Nicholas). 20. Funcitonal Gradient Materials. (T. Hirai). 21. Diamond: Its Synthesis from the Vapor Phase and Applications. (N. Fujimori). Volume 18: Processing of Polymers. PART I: INTRODUCTION. 1. Processing for Properties. (H. E. H. Meijer). 2. General Principles of Polymer Processing Modeling. (J. F. Agassant). PART II: STRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT DURING PROCESSING. 3. Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid Liquid Mixing. (J. M. H. Janssen). 4. Flow Induced Oreintation and Structure Formation. (A. Keller, H. W. H. Kolnaar). 5. Crystallization. (G. Eder, H. Janeschitz Kriegl). PART III: REACTIVE EXTRUSION. 6. Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion: An Overview. (G. H. Hu, M. Lambla). 7. Network Formation. (K. Dusek). 8. Reactive Processing of Polymer Blends: Polymer PolymerInterface Aspects. (T. Inoue, P. Marechal). 9. Structure Development in Reactive Systems. (J. L. Stanford, A. J. Ryan M. J. A. Elwell). 10. Processing of Polymers Using Reactive Solvents. (P. J. Lemstra, J. Kurja, H. E. H. Meijer). PART IV: PROCESSING FOR ULTIMATE PROPERTIES. 11. High Modulus and High Strenght Fibers Based on Flexible Macromolecules. (C. W. M. Bastiaansen). 12. Deformation and Teoughness of Polymers. (M. C. M. van der Sanden). PART V: APPLICATIONS. 13. Photopolymerization and Ultraviolet Curing of Multifunctional Monomers. (C. Decker). 14. Conducting Polymers and Applications. (L. M. Wilson). 15. Materials Science of Pressure Sensitive Adhesives. (C. Creton). 16. New Processing Technologies. (I. M. Ward).

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  • ISBN
    • 3527313958
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  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    11 v.
  • 大きさ
    24 cm