The life of Pope Sixtus the Fifth. : (one of the most remarkable and entertaining lives that is to be met with in ancient or modern history.) In which is included the state of England, France, Spain, Italy, the Swiss cantons, Germany, Poland, Russia, Sweden and the Low countries, at that time. With an account of St. Peter's, the conclave, and manner of chusing a pope; the Vatican library ... and other noble edifices, begun or finish'd by him ...
The life of Pope Sixtus the Fifth. : (one of the most remarkable and entertaining lives that is to be met with in ancient or modern history.) In which is included the state of England, France, Spain, Italy, the Swiss cantons, Germany, Poland, Russia, Sweden and the Low countries, at that time. With an account of St. Peter's, the conclave, and manner of chusing a pope; the Vatican library ... and other noble edifices, begun or finish'd by him ...
Printed by W. Bowyer, and sold by C. Bathurst .., 1754
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