
Spain, 1812-2004

Christopher J. Ross

(Modern history for modern languages)

Arnold , Distributed in the US by Oxford University Press, 2004

2nd ed


Spain : 1812-2004

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes bibliographical references (p. [199]-203) and index



Written in an accessible style and assuming no prior knowledge, the books in this series address the specific needs of students on language courses. Approaching the study of history from an interest in contemporary politics and society, each book offers a clear historical narrative and sets its region into a world context. Beginning in 1812, the year of Spain's first Constitution, and ending with the 2004 general election, Spain 1812-2004 focuses on political history. This new edition has been revised and updated to take account of the rise of the centre-right People's Party, the renewed economic boom of the late 1990s, the resurgence of tension in the Basque Country, Spain's evolving relationship with the European Union and the impact of globalisation. Chapters begin with a brief overview of the main contemporary developments in European history. Emphasis is placed on understanding major developments, their causes, and the relationships between them. Inserts embedded in the text provide details of key concepts, while short extracts from contemporary Spanish texts in the original and in translation provide a flavour of the ideas developed. This new edition also includes: * a brief exploration of recurrent themes * topics for discussion on each chapter * summary boxes at the end of each chapter * annotated suggestions for further reading which include websites and TV documentaries * a combined index/glossary


Prologue 1. Liberals, reactionaries, generals (1812-1868) 2. Out of chaos, stability (1868-1898) 3. Change frustrated (1898-1923) 4. Change imposed (1923-1931) 5. A troubled democracy (1923-1931) 6. An unequal struggle (1936-1939) 7. Back to the future (1939-1959) 8. The bottle half-uncorked (1959-1975) 9. A delicate operation (1975-1982) 10. Back to the mainstream (1982-1993) 11. Between regionalism and globalisation (1993-2004) Afterword Further reading

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