Encyclopedia of educational leadership and administration


Encyclopedia of educational leadership and administration

Fenwick W. English, editor

(A Sage reference publication)

Sage, c2006

  • : set : cloth
  • v. 1
  • v. 2

大学図書館所蔵 27件 / 27




v. 1: A-K, v. 2: L-Z

Includes bibliographical references and index



To read some sample entries, or to view the Readers Guide click on "Sample Chapters/Additional Materials" in the left column under "About This Book" The Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and Administration presents the most recent theories, research, terms, concepts, ideas, and histories on educational leadership and school administration as taught in preparation programs and practiced in schools and colleges today. With more than 600 entries, written by more than 200 professors, graduate students, practitioners, and association officials, the two volumes of this encyclopedia represent the most comprehensive knowledge base of educational leadership and school administration that has, as yet, been compiled. Key Features Represents a "knowledge dynamic" of the field by presenting ideas and perspectives that are in the minds, hearts, and aspirations of those practicing in the profession Includes a wide range of topics covering teaching and learning, curriculum, psychology and motivation, budgeting and finance, law, statistics, research, personnel management, planning, supervision, and much more Contains more than 75 biographical sketches of people whose ideas, aspirations, and lives have contributed much to the profession Animates the reader's thinking and defines possibilities by presenting terms, ideas, concepts, research, and theories that are circulating in the field The Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and Administration is a must-have reference for all academic libraries as well as a welcome addition to any leadership in education collection.


List of Entries Reader's Guide List of Figures and Tables Editorial Board Contributors Preface: A New Conception of the Knowledge Base of a Profession About the Editor Entries Volume 1: A-K Volume 2: L-Z Index

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