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pt. 1 ISBN 9783540465355
The three volume set LNAI 4251, LNAI 4252, and LNAI 4253 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, KES 2006, held in Bournemouth, UK in October 2006. The 480 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from about 1400 submissions. The papers present a wealth of original research results from the field of intelligent information processing.
Generic Intelligent Systems.- Integration of Ant Colony SOM and K-Means for Clustering Analysis.- An Improved Text Categorization Methodology Based on Second and Third Order Probabilistic Feature Extraction and Neural Network Classifiers.- An Improved OIF Elman Neural Network and Its Applications to Stock Market.- Fuzzy Logic Controller for Turbojet Engine of Unmanned Aircraft.- Fuzzy Linear Programming Approach to Multi-mode Distribution Planning Problem.- Hardware Implementation of Fuzzy Controllers-Approach and Constraints.- The Design of Self-tuning Strategy of Genetically Optimized Fuzzy-PI Controller for HVDC System.- A Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm for the Euclidean Steiner Tree Problem Using Local Searches.- Use of Cluster Validity in Designing Adaptive Gabor Wavelet Based Face Recognition.- Self-adaptive Classifier Fusion for Expression-Insensitive Face Recognition.- Improved Harmony Search from Ensemble of Music Players.- Performance Comparison of Genetic and Tabu Search Algorithms for System Identification.- Towards Self-configuring Evolvable FPGA Using Feedback Cross-Checking.- A Self-adjusting Load Sharing Mechanism Including an Improved Response Time Using Evolutionary Information.- A New Memetic Algorithm Using Particle Swarm Optimization and Genetic Algorithm.- Mathematical and Empirical Analysis of the Real World Tournament Selection.- Link Mass Optimization of Serial Robot Manipulators Using Genetic Algorithm.- An Algorithm for Eliminating the Inconsistencies Caused During Discretization.- A Combinational Clustering Method Based on Artificial Immune System and Support Vector Machine.- User Preference Through Learning User Profile for Ubiquitous Recommendation Systems.- Automated Recognition of Cellular Phenotypes by Support Vector Machines with Feature Reduction.- Power Transformer Fault Diagnosis Using Support Vector Machines and Artificial Neural Networks with Clonal Selection Algorithms Optimization.- A Semi-naive Bayesian Learning Method for Utilizing Unlabeled Data.- Quantitative and Ordinal Association Rules Mining (QAR Mining).- Extraction of Spatial Rules Using a Decision Tree Method: A Case Study in Urban Growth Modeling.- Classification Using Multiple and Negative Target Rules.- Coherent Formation for Agents Using Flocking with Cellular Automata.- Managing Emergent Processes.- Teamwork Coordination in Large-Scale Mobile Agent Networks.- Real-Time Search Algorithms for Exploration and Mapping.- Real-Time Control of Decentralized Autonomous Flexible Manufacturing Systems by Using Memory and Oblivion.- Adaptive QoS Control Mechanism in Flexible Videoconference System.- Multi-agent Architecture for Automating Satellite Control Operations Planning and Execution.- Web-Based Agent System for Interworking Between Wired Network Devices and Mobile Devices.- Load Protection Model Based on Intelligent Agent Regulation.- Reserve Price Recommendation by Similarity-Based Time Series Analysis for Internet Auction Systems.- Use of an Intelligent Agent for an E-Commerce Bargaining System.- Automatic Classification for Grouping Designs in Fashion Design Recommendation Agent System.- Agent Behaviour in Double Auction Electronic Market for Communication Resources.- Using Prototypical Cases and Prototypicality Measures for Diagnosis of Dysmorphic Syndromes.- ISOR: An Expert-System for Investigations of Therapy Inefficacy.- Reengineering for Knowledge in Knowledge Based Systems.- Knowledge Representation for Knowledge Based Leadership System.- Modeling of the Vocational Suggestion with Restrictions (Graph Theory Approach).- Robust Eye Detection Method for Varying Environment Using Illuminant Context-Awareness.- INMA: A Knowledge-Based Authoring Tool for Music Education.- ALIMOS: A Middleware System for Accessing Digital Music LIbraries in MObile Services.- Personalization Method for Tourist Point of Interest (POI) Recommendation.- Architecture of RETE Network Hardware Accelerator for Real-Time Context-Aware System.- A Combination of Simulated Annealing and Ant Colony System for the Capacitated Location-Routing Problem.- An Automatic Approach for Efficient Text Segmentation.- Design and Configuration of a Machine Learning Component for User Profiling in a Declarative Design Environment.- Emotional Intelligence: Constructing User Stereotypes for Affective Bi-modal Interaction.- Garbage Collection in an Embedded Java Virtual Machine.- Design of Flexible Authorization System and Small Memory Management for XML Data Protection on the Server.- A Hybrid Heuristic Algorithm for HW-SW Partitioning Within Timed Automata.- Performance Analysis of WAP Packet Transmission Time and Optimal Packet Size in Wireless Network.- Using Artificial Intelligence in Wireless Sensor Routing Protocols.- Design and Evaluation of a Rough Set-Based Anomaly Detection Scheme Considering Weighted Feature Values.- ATM Based on SPMF.- Using Rough Set to Induce More Abstract Rules from Rule Base.- Dynamic Calculation Method of Degree of Association Between Concepts.- Combining Fuzzy Cognitive Maps with Support Vector Machines for Bladder Tumor Grading.- Applications of Intelligent Systems.- Image Classification by Fusion for High-Content Cell-Cycle Screening.- Adaptive Context-Aware Filter Fusion for Face Recognition on Bad Illumination.- A Study on Content Based Image Retrieval Using Template Matching of Wavelet Transform.- Semantic Decomposition of LandSat TM Image.- Vision-Based Semantic-Map Building and Localization.- Merging and Arbitration Strategy for Robust Eye Location.- Head Gesture Recognition Using Feature Interpolation.- A Stereovision Based Advanced Airbag System.- Context-Based Approach for Human Gesture Analysis.- Adaptive Implicit-Camera Calibration in Photogrammetry Using Anfis.- Applying A-Priori Knowledge for Compressing Digital Elevation Models.- Evaluation of the Perceptual Performance of Fuzzy Image Quality Measures.- A New Color Image Enhancement Algorithm for Camera-Equipped Mobile Telephone.- Human Arm-Motion Classification Using Qualitative Normalised Templates.- A Fuzzy Extension of Description Logic ALC with Comparison Expressions.- A Distributed and Fuzzy Extension of Description Logics.- Similarity Metrics for Set of Experience Knowledge Structure.- Knowledge Management Based on Dynamic and Self-adjusting Fuzzy Models.- Knowledge Based Tools to Support the Structural Design Process.- Project Situations Aggregation to Identify Cooperative Problem Solving Strategies.- Incorporating Semantics into GIS Applications.- Intelligent Reduction of Tire Noise.- Algorithms for Finding and Correcting Four Kinds of Data Mistakes in Information Table.- Relevance Ranking of Intensive Care Nursing Narratives.- Unification of Protein Data and Knowledge Sources.- Ontology Fusion with Complex Mapping Patterns.- Adaptive QoS for Using Multimedia in e-Learning.- User-Centric Multimedia Information Visualization for Mobile Devices in the Ubiquitous Environment.- DAWN - A System for Context-Based Link Recommendation in Web Navigation.- Modeling Collaborators from Learner's Viewpoint Reflecting Common Collaborative Learning Experience.- A Multi-Criteria Programming Model for Intelligent Tutoring Planning.- An Implementation of KSSL Recognizer for HCI Based on Post Wearable PC and Wireless Networks.- Intelligent Multi-Modal Recognition Interface Using Voice-XML and Embedded KSSL Recognizer.- Subband Adaptive Filters with Pre-whitening Scheme for Acoustic Echo Cancellation.- A Noise Cancelling Technique Using Non-uniform Filter Banks and Its Implementation on FPGA.- Spiking Neural Network Based Classification of Task-Evoked EEG Signals.- Learning Control Via Neuro-Tabu-Fuzzy Controller.- DSP Based Implementation of Current Mode Fuzzy Gain Scheduling of PI Controller for Single Phase UPS Inverter.- Designing a Self-adaptive Union-Based Rule- Antecedent Fuzzy Controller Based on Two Step Optimization.- Image-Based Robust Control of Robot Manipulators in the Presence of Uncertainty.- Real Time Obstacle Avoidance for Mobile Robot Using Limit-Cycle and Vector Field Method.- Developing Knowledge-Based Security-Sense of Networked Intelligent Robots.- Autonomous Action Generation of Humanoid Robot from Natural Language.- Robust Positioning a Mobile Robot with Active Beacon Sensors.- The Implementation of an Improved Fingerprint Payment Verification System.- Capacity Planning for Scalable Fingerprint Authentication.- Security Analysis of Secure Password Authentication for Keystroke Dynamics.- Security Techniques Based on EPC Gen2 Tag for Secure Mobile RFID Network Services.- A Hardware Implementation of Lightweight Block Cipher for Ubiquitous Computing Security.- Intelligent Environment for Training of Power Systems Operators.- Building a Better Air Defence System Using Genetic Algorithms.- Artificial Immune System-Based Customer Data Clustering in an e-Shopping Application.- A GA Driven Intelligent System for Medical Diagnosis.- Combined Gene Selection Methods for Microarray Data Analysis.- Toward an Intelligent Local Web Search in Telematics.- A Method of Recommending Buying Points for Internet Shopping Malls.- A Sensuous Association Method Using an Association Mechanism for Natural Machine Conversation.- Motion-Based Interaction on the Mobile Device for User Interface.- Role-Task Model for Advanced Task-Based Service Navigation System.- A Discretization Algorithm That Keeps Positive Regions of All the Decision Classes.- Forecasting Region Search of Moving Objects.- An Index-Based Time-Series Subsequence Matching Under Time Warping.- An Intrinsic Technique Based on Discrete Wavelet Decomposition for Analysing Phylogeny.- Analysis of Selfish Behaviors on Door-to-Door Transport System.- Fault-Tolerant Cluster Management Tool for Self-managing of Cluster DBMS.- Speed Control of Averaged DC Motor Drive System by Using Neuro-PID Controller.- Automatic Detection of SLS Violation Using Knowledge Based Systems.- Two-Level Dynamic Programming Hardware Implementation for Real Time Processing.- Towards the Formalization of Innovating Design: The TRIZ Example.- Invited Session Papers.- The "5P" Apprenticeship Which Based the Chinese Traditional Culture.- A Unified 2D Representation of Fuzzy Reasoning, CBR, and Experience Based Reasoning.- MBR Compression in Spatial Databases Using Semi-Approximation Scheme.- Annotations: A Way to Capture Experience.- Cell-Based Distributed Index for Range Query Processing in Wireless Data Broadcast Systems.- Genetic-Fuzzy Modeling on High Dimensional Spaces.- Considering a Semantic Prefetching Scheme for Cache Management in Location-Based Services.- A Unified Framework for u-Edutainment Development of Using e-Learning and Ubiquitous Technologies.- Trace-Based Framework for Experience Management and Engineering.- Invited Sessions.- Neural Network Classification of Diesel Spray Images.- Molecular Sequence Alignment for Extracting Answers for Where-Typed Questions from Google Snippets.- Temperature Field Estimation for the Pistons of Diesel Engine 4112.- Fuzzy and Neuro-fuzzy Techniques for Modelling and Control.- Clustering for Data Matching.- Intelligent Optical Otolith Classification for Species Recognition of Bony Fish.- General Drawing of the Integrated Framework for Security Governance.- A Study on the Rain Attenuation Prediction Model for Ubiquitous Computing Environments in Korea.- A Framework for Ensuring Security in Ubiquitous Computing Environment Based on Security Engineering Approach.- A Study on Development of Business Factor in Ubiquitous Technology.- Design of a RFID-Based Ubiquitous Comparison Shopping System.
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pt. 2 ISBN 9783540465379
The three volume set LNAI 4251, LNAI 4252, and LNAI 4253 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, KES 2006, held in Bournemouth, UK, in October 2006. The 480 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from about 1400 submissions. The papers present a wealth of original research results from the field of intelligent information processing.
Computational Intelligence for Signal and Image Processing.- Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy Target Volume Definition by Means of Wavelet Segmentation.- Enhancing Global and Local Contrast for Image Using Discrete Stationary Wavelet Transform and Simulated Annealing Algorithm.- An Efficient Unsupervised MRF Image Clustering Method.- A SVM-Based Blur Identification Algorithm for Image Restoration and Resolution Enhancement.- Regularization for Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction.- Dynamic Similarity Kernel for Visual Recognition.- Genetic Algorithms for Optimization of Boids Model.- Segmentation of MR Images Using Independent Component Analysis.- Soft Data Analysis.- Equi-sized, Homogeneous Partitioning.- Nonparametric Fisher Kernel Using Fuzzy Clustering.- Finding Simple Fuzzy Classification Systems with High Interpretability Through Multiobjective Rule Selection.- Clustering Mixed Data Using Spherical Representaion.- Fuzzy Structural Classification Methods.- Innovations in Soft Data Analysis.- Immunity-Based Systems: Immunoinformatics.- Tolerance Dependent on Timing/Amount of Antigen-Dose in an Asymmetric Idiotypic Network.- Towards an Immunity-Based Anomaly Detection System for Network Traffic.- Migration Strategies of Immunity-Based Diagnostic Nodes for Wireless Sensor Network.- Asymmetric Wars Between Immune Agents and Virus Agents: Approaches of Generalists Versus Specialists.- Designing an Immunity-Based Sensor Network for Sensor-Based Diagnosis of Automobile Engines.- Ambient Intelligence: Algorithms, Methods and Applications.- Dynamic Cooperative Information Display in Mobile Environments.- Extracting Activities from Multimodal Observation.- Using Ambient Intelligence for Disaster Management.- Dynamic Scene Reconstruction for 3D Virtual Guidance.- Communicative Intelligence.- An Introduction to Fuzzy Propositional Calculus Using Proofs from Assumptions.- Fuzzy-Neural Web Switch Supporting Differentiated Service.- Image Watermarking Algorithm Based on the Code Division Multiple Access Technique.- Construction of Symbolic Representation from Human Motion Information.- Toward a Universal Platform for Integrating Embodied Conversational Agent Components.- Flexible Method for a Distance Measure Between Communicative Agents' Stored Perceptions.- Harmonisation of Soft Logical Inference Rules in Distributed Decision Systems.- Assessing the Uncertainty of Communication Patterns in Distributed Intrusion Detection System.- An Algorithm for Inconsistency Resolving in Recommendation Web-Based Systems.- Distributed Class Code and Data Propagation with Java.- Conflicts of Ontologies - Classification and Consensus-Based Methods for Resolving.- Knowledge-Based Systems for e-Business.- Estimation of FAQ Knowledge Bases by Introducing Measurements.- Efficient Stream Delivery over Unstructured Overlay Network by Reverse-Query Propagation.- A Method for Development of Adequate Requirement Specification in the Plant Control Software Domain.- Express Emoticons Choice Method for Smooth Communication of e-Business.- A New Approach for Improving Field Association Term Dictionary Using Passage Retrieval.- Analysis of Stock Price Return Using Textual Data and Numerical Data Through Text Mining.- A New Approach for Automatic Building Field Association Words Using Selective Passage Retrieval.- Building New Field Association Term Candidates Automatically by Search Engine.- Neuro-fuzzy Techniques for Image Processing Applications.- Efficient Distortion Reduction of Mixed Noise Filters by Neuro-fuzzy Processing.- Texture Segmentation with Local Fuzzy Patterns and Neuro-fuzzy Decision Support.- Lineal Image Compression Based on Lukasiewicz's Operators.- Modelling Coarseness in Texture Images by Means of Fuzzy Sets.- Fuzzy Motion Adaptive Algorithm for Video De-interlacing.- Knowledge-Based Interface Systems (1).- Web Site Off-Line Structure Reconfiguration: A Web User Browsing Analysis.- New Network Management Scheme with Client's Communication Control.- Prediction of Electric Power Generation of Solar Cell Using the Neural Network.- Text Classification: Combining Grouping, LSA and kNN vs Support Vector Machine.- Particle Filter Based Tracking of Moving Object from Image Sequence.- Nature Inspired Data Mining.- Discrete and Continuous Aspects of Nature Inspired Methods.- Social Capital in Online Social Networks.- Nature-Inspiration on Kernel Machines: Data Mining for Continuous and Discrete Variables.- Testing CAB-IDS Through Mutations: On the Identification of Network Scans.- Nature Inspiration for Support Vector Machines.- Intelligent Agents and Their Applications.- The Equilibrium of Agent Mind: The Balance Between Agent Theories and Practice.- Trust in LORA: Towards a Formal Definition of Trust in BDI Agents.- Agent Cooperation and Collaboration.- Teamwork and Simulation in Hybrid Cognitive Architecture.- Trust in Multi-Agent Systems.- AI for Decision Making.- Intelligent Agents and Their Applications.- From Community Models to System Requirements: A Cooperative Multi-agents Approach.- Scheduling Jobs on Computational Grids Using Fuzzy Particle Swarm Algorithm.- Twinned Topographic Maps for Decision Making in the Cockpit.- Agent-Enabled Decision Support for Information Retrieval in Technical Fields.- Is There a Role for Artificial Intelligence in Future Electronic Support Measures?.- Artificial Intelligence for Decision Making.- Path Planning and Obstacle Avoidance for Autonomous Mobile Robots: A Review.- Intelligent Data Processing in Process Systems and Plants.- Adaptive Nonlinearity Compensation of Heterodyne Laser Interferometer.- Study on Safety Operation Support System by Using the Risk Management Information.- Analysis of ANFIS Model for Polymerization Process.- Semi-qualitative Encoding of Manifestations at Faults in Conductive Flow Systems.- Design Problems of Decision Making Support System for Operation in Abnormal State of Chemical Plant.- A Training System for Maintenance Personnel Based on Analogical Reasoning.- On-Line Extraction of Qualitative Movements for Monitoring Process Plants.- Skill Acquisition and Ubiquitous Human Computer Interaction.- An Expansion of Space Affordance by Sound Beams and Tactile Indicators.- Automatic Discovery of Basic Motion Classification Rules.- An Interpretation Method for Classification Trees in Bio-data Mining.- Adequate RSSI Determination Method by Making Use of SVM for Indoor Localization.- IATA - Intelligent Agent Technology and Applications.- Ontia iJADE: An Intelligent Ontology-Based Agent Framework for Semantic Web Service.- iJADE FreeWalker: An Ontology-Based Tourist Guiding System.- iJADE Content Management System (CMS) - An Intelligent Multi-agent Based Content Management System with Chaotic Copyright Protection Scheme.- Agent-Controlled Distributed Resource Sharing to Improve P2P File Exchanges in User Networks.- An Agent-Based System Supporting Collaborative Product Design.- Computational Intelligence Approaches and Methods for Security Engineering.- Application Presence Fingerprinting for NAT-Aware Router.- Interaction for Intelligent Mobile Systems.- Design of a Intelligent SOAP Message Service Processor for Enhancing Mobile Web Service.- Convergence Rate in Intelligent Self-organizing Feature Map Using Dynamic Gaussian Function.- Development of an Attack Packet Generator Applying an NP to the Intelligent APS.- Class Based Intelligent Community System for Ubiquitous Education and Medical Information System.- Intelligent Anonymous Secure E-Voting Scheme.- Actively Modifying Control Flow of Program for Efficient Anormaly Detection.- Intelligent Method for Building Security Countermeasures.- Intelligent Frameworks for Encoding XML Elements Using Mining Algorithm.- Graphical Knowledge Template of CBD Meta-model.- Hybrid Information Technology Using Computational Intelligence.- Two-Phase Identification Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Set and Voting for Intelligent Multi-sensor Data Fusion.- uiH-PMAC Model Suitable for Ubi-Home Gateway in Ubiquitous Intelligent Environment.- A One-Time Password Authentication Scheme for Secure Remote Access in Intelligent Home Networks.- An Intelligent and Efficient Traitor Tracing for Ubiquitous Environments.- e-Business Agent Oriented Component Based Development for Business Intelligence.- New Design of PMU for Real-Time Security Monitoring and Control of Wide Area Intelligent System.- Security Intelligence: Web Contents Security System for Semantic Web.- Performance Analysis of Location Estimation Algorithm Using an Intelligent Coordination Scheme in RTLS.- Security Requirements for Ubiquitous Software Development Site.- Logic Based Intelligent Information Systems.- Paraconsistent Artificial Neural Network: Applicability in Computer Analysis of Speech Productions.- Intelligent Paraconsistent Logic Controller and Autonomous Mobile Robot Emmy II.- EVALPSN Based Intelligent Drivers' Model.- The Study of the Robust Learning Algorithm for Neural Networks.- Logic Determined by Boolean Algebras with Conjugate.- An Intelligent Technique Based on Petri Nets for Diagnosability Enhancement of Discrete Event Systems.- Knowledge-Based Mult-criteria Decision Support.- Fuzzy Logic Based Mobility Management for 4G Heterogeneous Networks.- On-Line Association Rules Mining with Dynamic Support.- A Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Making Model for Airline Competitiveness Evaluation.- Goal Programming Methods for Constructing Additive Consistency Fuzzy Preference Relations.- A Multiple Criteria Decision Making Model Based on Fuzzy Multiple Objective DEA.- A Fuzzy Multiple Objective DEA for the Human Development Index.- Neural Information Processing for Data Mining.- Visualization Architecture Based on SOM for Two-Class Sequential Data.- Approximate Solutions for the Influence Maximization Problem in a Social Network.- Improving Convergence Performance of PageRank Computation Based on Step-Length Calculation Approach.- Prediction of the O-glycosylation Sites in Protein by Layered Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines.- A Bayesian Approach to Emotion Detection in Dialogist's Voice for Human Robot Interaction.- Finding Nominally Conditioned Multivariate Polynomials Using a Four-Layer Perceptron Having Shared Weights.- Sharing of Learning Knowledge in an Information Age.- Development of Know-How Information Sharing System in Care Planning Processes - Mapping New Care Plan into Two-Dimensional Document Space.- Educational Evaluation of Intelligent and Creative Ability with Computer Games: A Case Study for e-Learning.- The Supporting System for Distant Learning Students of Shinshu University.- Reflection by Knowledge Publishing.- Self-learning System Using Lecture Information and Biological Data.- Hybrid Approach of Augmented Classroom Environment with Digital Pens and Personal Handhelds.- An Interactive Multimedia Instruction System: IMPRESSION for Multipoint Synchronous Online Classroom Environment.- A System Framework for Bookmark Sharing Considering Differences in Retrieval Purposes.- Development of a Planisphere Type Astronomy Education Web System Based on a Constellation Database Using Ajax.- Group Collaboration Support in Learning Mathematics.- Annotation Interpretation of Collaborative Learning History for Self-learning.- A System Assisting Acquisition of Japanese Expressions Through Read-Write-Hear-Speaking and Comparing Between Use Cases of Relevant Expressions.- Intelligent Information Management in a Knowledge-Based Society.- A Web-Based System for Gathering and Sharing Experience and Knowledge Information in Local Crime Prevention.- The Scheme Design for Active Information System.- R-Tree Based Optimization Algorithm for Dynamic Transport Problem.- Knowledge-Based System for Die Configuration Design in Cold Forging.- An Automatic Indexing Approach for Private Photo Searching Based on E-mail Archive.- Analysis for Usage of Routing Panels in Evacuation.- Knowledge/Software Engineering Aspects of Intelligent Systems Applications.- Facial Expression Classification: Specifying Requirements for an Automated System.- On the Software Engineering Aspects of Educational Intelligence.- Feature Model Based on Description Logics.- PNS: Personalized Multi-source News Delivery.- Knowledge-Based Interface Systems (2).- Relational Association Mining Based on Structural Analysis of Saturation Clauses.- Examination of Effects of Character Size on Accuracy of Writer Recognition by New Local Arc Method.- Study of Features of Problem Group and Prediction of Understanding Level.- Intelligent Databases in the Virtual Information Community.- Graph-Based Data Model for the Content Representation of Multimedia Data.- NCO-Tree: A Spatio-temporal Access Method for Segment-Based Tracking of Moving Objects.- The Reasoning and Analysis of Spatial Direction Relation Based on Voronoi Diagram.- Some Experiments of Face Annotation Based on Latent Semantic Indexing in FIARS.- Extended Virtual Type for a Multiple-Type Object with Repeating Types.- Spatial Relation for Geometrical / Topological Map Retrieval.- Geographical Information Structure for Managing a Set of Objects as an Event.- Hybrid Intelligent Systems in Medicine and Health Care.- Using Multi-agent Systems to Manage Community Care.- Predictive Adaptive Control of the Bispectral Index of the EEG (BIS) - Using the Intravenous Anaesthetic Drug Propofol.- Using Aggregation Operators to Personalize Agent-Based Medical Services.- Shifting Patterns Discovery in Microarrays with Evolutionary Algorithms.- Gene Ranking from Microarray Data for Cancer Classification-A Machine Learning Approach.- H3 : A Hybrid Handheld Healthcare Framework.- Hybrid Intelligent Medical Tutor for Atheromatosis.- Evolutionary Tuning of Combined Multiple Models.- A Similarity Search Algorithm to Predict Protein Structures.- Fuzzy-Evolutionary Synergism in an Intelligent Medical Diagnosis System.
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pt. 3 ISBN 9783540465423
Delegates and friends, we are very pleased to extend to you the sincerest of welcomes to this, the 10th International Conference on Knowledge Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems at the Bournemouth International Centre in Bournemouth, UK, brought to you by KES International. This is a special KES conference, as it is the 10th in the series, and as such, it represents an occasion for celebration and an opportunity for reflection. The first KES conference was held in 1997 and was organised by the KES conference founder, Lakhmi Jain. In 1997, 1998 and 1999 the KES conferences were held in Adelaide, Australia. In 2000 the conference moved out of Australia to be held in Brighton, UK; in 2001 it was in Osaka, Japan; in 2002, Crema near Milan, Italy; in 2003, Oxford, UK; in 2004, Wellington, New Zealand; and in 2005, Melbourne, Australia. The next two conferences are planned to be in Italy and Croatia. Delegate numbers have grown from about 100 in 1997, to a regular figure in excess of 500. The conference attracts delegates from many different countries, in Europe, Australasia, the Pacific Rim, Asia and the Americas, and may truly be said to be ‘International’. Formed in 2001, KES International has developed into a worldwide organisation that provides a professional community for researchers in the discipline of knowledge-based and intelligent engineering and information systems, and through this, opportunities for publication, networking and interaction.
Chance Discovery.- Advanced Groupware and Network Services.- Computational Methods for Intelligent Neuro-fuzzy Applications.- Intelligent Information Processing for Remote Sensing.- Evolutionary and Self-organising Sensors, Actuators and Processing Hardware.- Human Intelligent Technology.- Connectionist Models and Their Applications.- Intelligent and Cognitive Communication Systems.- Innovations in Intelligent Agents and Applications.- Intelligent Pattern Recognition and Classification in Astrophysical and Medical Images.- Intelligent Multimedia Solutions and Security in the Next Generation Mobile Information Systems.- Engineered Applications of Semantic Web – SWEA.- Intelligent Techniques in the Stock Market.- Soft Computing Techniques and Their Applications.- Human Computer Intelligent Systems.- Recommender Agents and Adaptive Web-Based Systems.- Intelligent Data Analysis for Complex Environments.- Creativity Support Systems.- Artificial Intelligence Applications in Power Electronics.- Soft Computing Approaches to Management Engineering.- Knowledge Processing in Intelligent and Cognitive Communicative Systems.- Intelligent and Secure Digital Content Management.- Business Knowledge Modelling and Maintenance.- Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Their Applications.- Intelligent Agents and Their Applications.- Signal Processing Techniques for Knowledge Extraction and Information Fusion.- Erratum.
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