A voyage to the East-Indies : giving an account of the Iſles of Madagaſcar, and Maſcareigne, of Suratte, the coaſt of Malabar, of Goa, Gameron, Ormus, and the coaſt of Braſil, with the religion, cuſtums trade, &c. of the inhabitants, as alſo a treatiſe, of the diſtempers peculiar to the eaſtern countries : to which is annexed an abſtract of Monſieur de Rennefort's Hiſtory of the Eaſt-Indies, with his propoſitions for the improvement of the Eaſt-India Company
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A voyage to the East-Indies : giving an account of the Iſles of Madagaſcar, and Maſcareigne, of Suratte, the coaſt of Malabar, of Goa, Gameron, Ormus, and the coaſt of Braſil, with the religion, cuſtums trade, &c. of the inhabitants, as alſo a treatiſe, of the diſtempers peculiar to the eaſtern countries : to which is annexed an abſtract of Monſieur de Rennefort's Hiſtory of the Eaſt-Indies, with his propoſitions for the improvement of the Eaſt-India Company
Printed for D. Browne [etc.], 1698
- Other Title
Relation d'un voyage des Indes orientales
An account of a voyage to the East-Indies
A treatise of the distempers relating in particular to the eastern countries, and such other diseases as commonly happen in the voyages into those parts, with their proper remedies
A supplement to the Sieur Dellone's relation of his voyage to the East-Indies
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Translation by Jodocus Crull of: Relation d'un voyage des Indes orientales
Pt. 2 has special t.p. (p. [135]), title reads: An account of a voyage to the East-Indies
Pages [221]-248 titled: A treatise of the distempers relating in particular to the eastern countries, and such other diseases as commonly happen in the voyages into those parts, with their proper remedies
Supplment added (43 p.), title reads: A supplement to the Sieur Dellone's relation of his voyage to the East-Indies