Biological and medical data analysis : 7th International Symposium, ISBMDA 2006, Thessaloniki, Greece, December 7-8, 2006 : proceedings


Biological and medical data analysis : 7th International Symposium, ISBMDA 2006, Thessaloniki, Greece, December 7-8, 2006 : proceedings

Nicos Maglaveras ... [et al.] (eds.)

(Lecture notes in computer science, 4345 . Lecture notes in bioinformatics)

Springer, c2006

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



Includes bibliographical references and index



This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Biological and Medical Data Analysis, ISBMDA 2006, held in Thessaloniki, Greece, December 2006. Coverage in this volume includes functional genomics, sequence analysis, biomedical models, information modeling, biomedical signal processing, biomedical image analysis, biomedical data analysis, as well as decision support systems and diagnostic tools.


Bioinformatics: Functional Genomics.- HLA and HIV Infection Progression: Application of the Minimum Description Length Principle to Statistical Genetics.- Visualization of Functional Aspects of microRNA Regulatory Networks Using the Gene Ontology.- A Novel Method for Classifying Subfamilies and Sub-subfamilies of G-Protein Coupled Receptors.- Integration Analysis of Diverse Genomic Data Using Multi-clustering Results.- Bioinformatics: Sequence and Structure Analysis.- Effectivity of Internal Validation Techniques for Gene Clustering.- Intrinsic Splicing Profile of Human Genes Undergoing Simple Cassette Exon Events.- Generalization Rules for Binarized Descriptors.- Application of Combining Classifiers Using Dynamic Weights to the Protein Secondary Structure Prediction - Comparative Analysis of Fusion Methods.- A Novel Data Mining Approach for the Accurate Prediction of Translation Initiation Sites.- SPSO: Synthetic Protein Sequence Oversampling for Imbalanced Protein Data and Remote Homology Detection.- Biomedical Models.- Markov Modeling of Conformational Kinetics of Cardiac Ion Channel Proteins.- Insulin Sensitivity and Plasma Glucose Appearance Profile by Oral Minimal Model in Normotensive and Normoglycemic Humans.- Dynamic Model of Amino Acid and Carbohydrate Metabolism in Primary Human Liver Cells.- The Probabilities Mixture Model for Clustering Flow-Cytometric Data: An Application to Gating Lymphocytes in Peripheral Blood.- Integrative Mathematical Modeling for Analysis of Microcirculatory Function.- Searching and Visualizing Brain Networks in Schizophrenia.- Databases and Grids.- TRENCADIS - A Grid Architecture for Creating Virtual Repositories of DICOM Objects in an OGSA-Based Ontological Framework.- Minimizing Data Size for Efficient Data Reuse in Grid-Enabled Medical Applications.- Thinking Precedes Action: Using Software Engineering for the Development of a Terminology Database to Improve Access to Biomedical Documentation.- Grid-Based Knowledge Discovery in Clinico-Genomic Data.- A Prospective Study on the Integration of Microarray Data in HIS/EPR.- Web Services Interface to Run Protein Sequence Tools on Grid, Testcase of Protein Sequence Alignment.- Semantics and Information Modelling.- Integrating Clinical and Genomic Information Through the PrognoChip Mediator.- OntoDataClean: Ontology-Based Integration and Preprocessing of Distributed Data.- Language Modelling for the Needs of OCR of Medical Texts.- Biomedical Signal Processing - Time Series Analysis.- The Use of Multivariate Autoregressive Modelling for Analyzing Dynamical Physiological Responses of Individual Critically Ill Patients.- Time Series Feature Evaluation in Discriminating Preictal EEG States.- Symbol Extraction Method and Symbolic Distance for Analysing Medical Time Series.- A Wavelet Tool to Discriminate Imagery Versus Actual Finger Movements Towards a Brain-Computer Interface.- Biomedical Image Analysis and Visualisation Techniques.- A Fully Bayesian Two-Stage Model for Detecting Brain Activity in fMRI.- A Novel Algorithm for Segmentation of Lung Images.- An Evaluation of Image Compression Algorithms for Colour Retinal Images.- An Automated Model for Rapid and Reliable Segmentation of Intravascular Ultrasound Images.- Biomedical Data Analysis and Interpretation.- Supervised Neuro-fuzzy Clustering for Life Science Applications.- Study on Preprocessing and Classifying Mass Spectral Raw Data Concerning Human Normal and Disease Cases.- Non-repetitive DNA Sequence Compression Using Memoization.- Application of Rough Sets Theory to the Sequential Diagnosis.- Data Integration in Multi-dimensional Data Sets: Informational Asymmetry in the Valid Correlation of Subdivided Samples.- Decision Support Systems and Diagnostic Tools.- Two-Stage Classifier for Diagnosis of Hypertension Type.- Handwriting Analysis for Diagnosis and Prognosis of Parkinson's Disease.- A Decision Support System for the Automatic Assessment of Hip Osteoarthritis Severity by Hip Joint Space Contour Spectral Analysis.- Modeling for Missing Tissue Compensator Fabrication Using RFID Tag in U-Health.- The Effect of User Factors on Consumer Familiarity with Health Terms: Using Gender as a Proxy for Background Knowledge About Gender-Specific Illnesses.- ICT for Patient Safety: Towards a European Research Roadmap.

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  • ISBN
    • 9783540680635
  • LCCN
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    xiii, 496 p.
  • 大きさ
    24 cm
  • 親書誌ID