Hyperbolic geometry from a local viewpoint


Hyperbolic geometry from a local viewpoint

Linda Keen, Nikola Lakic

(London Mathematical Society student texts, 68)

Cambridge University Press, 2007

  • : hardback
  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 44



Includes bibliographical references (p. 264-267) and index



Written for graduate students, this book presents topics in 2-dimensional hyperbolic geometry. The authors begin with rigid motions in the plane which are used as motivation for a full development of hyperbolic geometry in the unit disk. The approach is to define metrics from an infinitesimal point of view; first the density is defined and then the metric via integration. The study of hyperbolic geometry in arbitrary domains requires the concepts of surfaces and covering spaces as well as uniformization and Fuchsian groups. These ideas are developed in the context of what is used later. The authors then provide a detailed discussion of hyperbolic geometry for arbitrary plane domains. New material on hyperbolic and hyperbolic-like metrics is presented. These are generalizations of the Kobayashi and Caratheodory metrics for plane domains. The book concludes with applications to holomorphic dynamics including new results and accessible open problems.


  • Introduction
  • 1. Elementary transformations
  • 2 Hyperbolic metric in the unit disk
  • 3. Holomorphic functions
  • 4. Topology and uniformization
  • 5. Discontinuous groups
  • 6 Fuchsian groups
  • 7. General hyperbolic metric
  • 8. The Kobayashi metric
  • 9. The Caratheodory pseudo metric
  • 10. Contraction properties
  • 11. Applications
  • 12 Applications II
  • 13. Applications III
  • 14. Estimating hyperbolic densities
  • 15. Uniformly perfect domains
  • 16 Appendix: Elliptic functions
  • Bibliography.

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  • ISBN
    • 9780521863605
    • 9780521682244
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    Cambridge, UK
  • ページ数/冊数
    x, 271 p.
  • 大きさ
    24 cm
  • 分類
  • 件名
  • 親書誌ID