Levinas studies : an annual review
Levinas studies : an annual review
Duquesne University Press, c2005-
- v. 1
- v. 2
- v. 3
- v. 4
- v. 5
- v. 6
- v. 7
- v. 8
- v. 9
- v. 10
- v. 11
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全3件
v. 110900700385,
v. 210900700203, v. 310900700401, v. 410900700419, v. 510900700344, v. 610900700351, v. 710900700369, v. 810900700377, v. 910900700310, v. 1010900700328, v. 1110900746123 -
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Includes index
Editor of v. 5: Peter Atterton
Editor of v. 7: John E. Drabinski
Editor of v. 11: Richard A. Cohen and Jolanta Saldukaitytė
- 巻冊次
v. 1 ISBN 9780820703718
- Introduction
- Levinas and Judaism
- Emmanuel Levinas on Secularisation in Modern Society
- Levinas, Plato and Ethical Exegesis
- Derrida and Levinas: Ethics, Writing, Historicity
- The Exception of Testimony
- From the Other to the Individual
- Ethics of the Image
- Levinas and the Question of Friendship
- The Blessings of a Friendship: Maurice Blanchot and Levinas Studies.
- 巻冊次
v. 2 ISBN 9780820703855
- Levinas and the History of Philosophy
- God and Philosophy According to Levinas
- The Role of Lurianic Kabbalah in the Early Philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas
- Levinas Between Monotheism and Cosmotheism
- Art, Religion and Ethics Post Mortem Dei: Levinas and Dostoyevsky
- Educating the Solitary Man: Levinas, Rousseau, and the Return to Jewish Wisdom
- Levinas as (mis)Reader of Spinoza
- Schelling and Levinas: the Harrowing of Hell
- From Politics to Ethics (Hegel) or from Ethics to Politics (Levinas)?
- Index.
- 巻冊次
v. 3 ISBN 9780820704067
- Editor's Introduction
- "What one asks of oneself, one asks of a saint": A Dialogue with Emmanuel Levinas, 1980-81
- Epistemic and Ethical Intersubjectivity in Brandom and Levinas
- Extra-Territoriality: Outside the State, Outside the Subject
- The Past and Future Community: Abraham and Isaac, Sarah and Rebekah
- On Subjectivity and Political Debt
- A Site From Which to Hope?: Notes on Sensibility and Meaning in Levinas and Nietzsche
- Otherness as Path Toward Overcoming Violence: A Comparative Study of Emmanuel Levinas and Simone Weil
- In Praise of Visibility
- Emmanuel Levinas and the Judaism of the Good Samaritan
- Index.
- 巻冊次
v. 4 ISBN 9780820704197
- Enslavement & Nudity, the Face & Filiality: Embodiment in the Early Levinas
- The Defection from Phenomenology
- Breathing 'to' the Other -- Levinas & Ethical Breathlessness
- Levinas & Early Confucian Ethics: Religion, Rituality, & the Sources of Morality
- The Work of Service: Levinas's Eventual Philosophy of Culture
- Reducing the One to the Other: Kant, Levinas, & the Problem of Religious Experience
- Levinas's Ethical Horizon, Affective Neuroscience, & Social Field Theory
- Experience of Infinity in Levinas
- Relating Levinas & Gadamer through Heidegger.
- 巻冊次
v. 5 ISBN 9780820704357
- "The Meaning of Religious Practice" (Emmanuel Levinas)
- "Beyond Phenomenology: Levinas's Early Jewish Writings" (Joelle Hansel)
- "'The Dignity of the Mind': Levinas's Reading of Husserl" (James Dodd)
- "The Early Levinas and Heidegger" (Jean-Michel Salanskis)
- "The Environment: A Critical Appreciation of Levinas's Analysis in Existence and Existents" (Alphonso Lingis)
- "Plurality & Transcendence: Levinas with & After Marcel" (Jeffrey Bloechl)
- "Levinas's Early Account of Transcendence: Locating Alterity in the Il y a" (Kris Sealey)
- "Levinas Underground -- Dostoyevsky 'De l'evasion' & the Devil" (Val Vinokur)
- "A Levinasian Meditation on Shakespeare's Macbeth" (Nicholas Doenges)
- "The Acuteness of Hope" (Catherine Chalier)
- "Parables of Exposure: The Il y a & Ethics in Kafka, Levinas, and Blanchot" (Erik Larsen).
- 巻冊次
v. 6 ISBN 9780820704456
- Editor's Introduction
- Morality in the Laboratory: An Interview with Emmanuel Levinas
- Tracing the Sacred, Tracing the Face: From Rosenzweig to Levinas
- Reflections on the Metaphysical God after His Demise: Heidegger & Levinas in Dialogue Recognizing the Gift in Giving Thanks: Thoughts on Emmanuel Levinas & Meister Eckhart
- A Wandering Dog as the 'Last Kantian in Nazi Germany': Revisiting the Debate on Levinas's Supposed Antinaturalistic Humanism
- Skeptical Poetics & Discursive Universality: An Etiquette of Legacy in the Time of Shoah
- Disastrous Responsibility: Blanchot's Criticism of Levinas's Concept of Subjectivity in 'The Writing of the Disaster'
- The Novelty of Religion & the Religiosity of Substitution in Levinas & Agamben
- Tradition & its Disavowal: Levinas & Hermeneutics.
- 巻冊次
v. 7 ISBN 9780820704593
- 巻冊次
v. 8 ISBN 9780820704692
- Introduction
- Levinas & Lacan: Faced with the Eclipse of Christianity
- Jankelevitch & Levinas on the Wholly Other
- Salvation through Literature: Levinass Carnets de captivite
- From Solitude to Maternity: Levinas & Shakespeare
- Oral Discourse Is the Plenitude of Discourse: Emmanuel Levinass Philosophy of Language Applied to Reading
- Beyond Haverut: Toward an Interfaith Hermeneutics
- Levinas & the Question of Cardiology
- Through the Lens of Levinas: Prelimary Reflections on Holiness.
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